Being a teenager is a lot of hearing others advice and doing nothing about it. At 15, you always think you are right and know what is best and “yes a septum ring is exactly what I want mom”. Looking back on the years of eye rolling and pretending to know exactly what was best, here are a few of the things that we always heard, but never believed.
1. Mother knows best.
Growing up, I remember rolling my eyes at my mom's advice and wanting to do whatever my independent self-wanted. It is true what they say: moms are always right. Whether it be the middle school quarterback, the crazy face piercings, purple hair, skipping school because life seems too heavy- mom knows what will be best for you. This is true at age 20 and 40 and 70.
2. Life gets better.
Even though we thought those late nights on the streets of a small town would be the peaks of our existence, life gets so much better. Late nights in the library, living on your own, facing life with the hope that you can handle yourself - all of these things are far better than imagined. You are in charge of where your life goes, and it can go so much further than your high school mind could take you.
3. College is hard.
I remember hearing this and still coming to school ready to sleep the days away and eat lots of Chinese food with my friends, leaving class on the back burner. This was such a skewed idea of what I got myself into. College is a lot of work and a lot less sleep than you would expect (or need). There is still a lot of Chinese food involved, though. A girl has got to eat.
4. You are your own best friend.
Leaving behind everyone you know to dive head first into a pool of strangers is scary. You quickly realize who you true friends were and who was only there because you always brought cupcakes to class. You will make new friends, and new enemies, but along the way… you learn to be your own best friend. You can laugh and cry and eat and sleep and dance and scream all by yourself and that is the most wonderful thing!
5. Everything happens for a reason.
Every heartbreak, every missed alarm, every fight and friend lost happen with exact purpose. Looking back on things that happened 3 years or even 3 days ago, I can say this with confidence: Everything happens for a reason. Of course, this will often be hard to see. You will look back and laugh that you let something so silly break you to pieces. Allow yourself time to grieve, but then pick yourself up and take a step forward.
6. You are not what other people say you are.
Other people will always have opinions of you. They do not define you. Be whatever you want to be. Be strong and brave and curvy and awkward. Be YOU without the impression of other people. All the people you let define you will not be around a few years down the road, and then you will have to find yourself all over again. Just start now.
Though it is hard to swallow our pride and accept that maybe other people were right, it is so refreshing to see all of the things we hoped for are actually true. Call your mom, embrace every moment, do your homework, be your own best friends, trust the process, and be exactly who you want to be. Your younger self would thank you!