As freshman year comes to a close, it’s weird to look back on what you thought would be true and how things actually are. I wasn’t really sure what to expect going into college but if we’re being honest I kind of thought it would be a mix of "Friends" and "Zoey 101" (yes, neither of these shows are about college but, oh well.) Here are some of the things I have learned in my short time in college, most of which no one told me would happen.
1. Good friends take time: The people you meet and hang out with at orientation you will more than likely never see again –– ever. And contrary to popular belief, you don’t meet your new best friends the first second you step on campus. If you come from a small high school like me, you’ve never really had to search for new friends because you’ve had the same friends for years. The truth is you’re not going to like some people, you’re not going to click with everyone, and that’s ok. It makes finding true friends all the sweeter, but it does take time.
2. Independence is hard: Really fun, but yes, it is hard. You’re mangaging your own schedule and taking care of yourself for the first time, so obviously you’re gonna screw up a lot. Like just because you can go to eat pancakes at two in the morning when you have an 8 a.m. class, doesn’t mean you should. But at the same time, I would always take advantage of any opportunity to eat pancakes so maybe that’s not the best example.
3. School is mandatory: It’s not all tailgates, parties and sneaking into the dorms passed curfew. It’s really not, like class is a thing (sorry mom and dad that I didn't take your lecture on not to waste your money spent on tuition). Papers are a thing. Deadlines, finals, pop quizzes, your TA taking up your phone –– all reality. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with FOMO, but to be real, ya gotta pass your classes.
4. College can be sketchy: Sometimes you run out of plastic spoons so you eat ice cream with a fork. Other occasions you wake up late and go to class wearing two different pairs of shoes. I once had my shirt inside out and backwards at the same time, and I didn't realize till after my third lecture. It happens.
My biggest piece of advice for any one going into college is to have minimal expectations. Everyone’s college experience is different, so have patience and don’t compare yourself to others. Some people hype up college so much by saying that if you didn’t “make it” in high school then college will be all roses and daisies. The reality is that it’s just another season of life, there will be a lot of highs and a lot of lows. It may not be perfect, but nothing is. And I wouldn't have it any other way.