A very wise high schooler once said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it."
Although it is a catchy line from the movie, no one really pays attention to the actual meaning of the quote. Over Christmas break, I was flipping through the channels only to come across the last scene of "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" when he emphasizes this quote. It really got me thinking about its true definition.
Life does move pretty fast; trying to balance school, work, and social life while getting just enough sleep to get by. We are always busy with things happening in the moment, instead of looking at the bigger picture.
Ferris suggests we all need to "stop and look around us" every so often, appreciating the little things that seem insignificant compared to the crazy demands of our lives. If we fail to recognize the little things in our lives that make us happy, such as spending time with family, close friends, watching our favorite sports team, or getting to Mass a little earlier than normal, one day we will wake up with regrets, not appreciating the simple things that make life worthwhile. We could miss out on all the blessings this life gives us. Going into the new year, let's all try and follow the genius Ferris Bueller and not let our lives flash before our eyes.