To the almost High School Graduate,
Yay! You are almost there. I’m sure you have a countdown somewhere. I know every day is a mixture of emotions. You’re happy to almost be starting a new chapter in your life, scared of the future, nervous about all that’s changing and sad you’re going to be leaving your friends behind. Let’s face it: High school sucks, but there’s also nothing like it.
The end of high school is significant for a reason, it marks the beginning of your transition into living and being on your own. As someone who was just in your shoes (literally) here are 8 pieces of advice:
1. It’s okay if you have no idea what you’re going to do after high school
Whether you’re thinking about going to college, enlisting or starting a career, it’s okay not to have everything figured out. Seriously, it’s all going to be okay.
2. If you are going to college, then apply for scholarships
Scholarships are free money. Seriously, there are scholarships out there for just about anything and everyone. It may seem like a pain but when you start getting those checks, it will be worth it. Talk to your guidance counselor or do some Internet research.
3. Be open-minded
I don’t think any of my friends, including me, are at the colleges at which we had predicted we would be. Be open-minded. You never know where you’ll find your home.
4. Participate in all senior activities
Go to all the cheesy senior events. Go to prom, even if you don’t have a date. Sign up for that senior convention. You’re not too cool for the senior events.
5. Keep the drama for your mama
Why would you want to waste your last semester being caught up in drama? ‘Nough said.
6. Love your family
Regardless if you’re going to college or not, life is changing. Spend time with the people that have always been there for you. Don’t leave your house without attempting to thank and grow closer to your family. Take your mom out on a date. Get dinner/lunch with your Dad. Invite your sibling to a movie or to hang out with you and your friends.
7. Don’t sweat the small stuff
Try not to freak out. Senior year will go by so fast. Do not let a bad test grade, a crazy teacher or a relationship get you down. Aim to take everything in stride.
8. LIVE. IT. UP.
Organize an impromptu Waffle House adventure. Go on a midnight run to Krispy Kreme. Blast music in the school parking lot and bust out your best dance moves. Wear crazy socks to class. These are the memories you will cherish after high school. You’re only a high school senior once so enjoy it.
Congratulations! You’re almost there! I hope that the remainder of your senior year is filled with memories, laughter, sweat and (happy) tears.