To my sister,
High school sucks sometimes, people suck sometimes. The world may seem not all that bright as you struggle to understand yourself and your purpose. The muddle and intertwined strings of ties with others that creates chaos in your world seems so daunting. Believe me; I know.
These years of your life are trying times; I hope you find comfort in that everyone at this age struggles. So while you may feel alone in your efforts and insights, others too feel alone sharing these thoughts. I will tell you that it will get better. I can tell you that it's not easy though. That 'getting better' is still sometimes a battle, but every new day is a breath of fresh air that is full of chances and opportunities. And I cannot wait for you to find all the beautiful things in life that lay ahead of you.
Every challenge, every experience-- you will grow. Do not let the world make you hard and bitter, this is so so easy to do. As you embark in life, I have a few things I want to remind you of.
1.Take pride in what you do, in everything that you do.
You don't always have an audience or someone cheering you on, so it is important to keep yourself going. Acknowledge your efforts and take responsibility for your accomplishments.
2. Always have standards.
Whether they are for yourself, or your standards of others. You get what you look for, you are what you aim to be.
3. Say no.
You are not a welcome mat. Do not let others take advantage of your kindness. You give and you take in life. But if you give and give and give with nothing in return, life will bring you down.
4.Bad days don’t last forever.
As cliche as it is the bad days help us appreciate the better. So be upset, feel every ounce of sadness and anger. Embrace it, but do not let it linger. Soon enough things will turn up again.
5. Don’t settle.
Don’t settle for anything that isn't what you want. Take responsibility. Set goals. Do not go through life stagnant. There is no reason for you to ever be stuck and out of options. Change your perspective. Change your life. We were given a life to make choices, to live, and enjoy little moments. Do not settle for anything that doesn’t make you happy.
For when I’m not around, keep your chin up.
Much love