Advice For My Little Sister Going Off To College | The Odyssey Online
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Advice For My Little Sister Going Off To College

As It Was In The Beginning...

Advice For My Little Sister Going Off To College

As my little sister is preparing to head off to college in the fall, I can't help but start to get sentimental and find myself mulling over the nostalgic memories of when I was once in her shoes two years ago. Fresh out of high school, forced out of your comfort zone, and having to start all over at a place that there's so much pressure to call "home". Let's be real, college is fantastic, and getting to go is nothing short of a privilege, but it's also freakin' terrifying at first, and without some guidance, one can easily find themselves lost without a clue. So here, based off what I know of my sister and her friends, is my advice for heading into your freshman year at a university...

10. Get the Biggest/Most Expansive Meal Plan You Can

Seriously. You can always downgrade later. The best way people in college get to know each other is by grabbing coffee or eating at the dining hall together, and you wanna get the most bang for your buck. Sure the Freshman 15 will always be a threat looming over you, but that leads me to my next point...

9. Go to Gym As Much As Possible

Seriously. Most colleges now even offer fitness classes which is quite honestly the greatest thing ever. Going to the gym de-stresses you (obviously) and helps you burn off the exorbitant amount of calories you inhale per week, BUT it also gives you a chance to bond with your roomies and the new friends you make, it's like the unexpected gold mine for forming new friendships.

8. Get The GroupMe App

Just do it. Yes it's the most annoying pain in the ass initially but it will make your life far simpler (and entertaining) than you ever imagined.

7. Go Outside

I personally made the mistake having solo Netflix and Chill sessions by myself almost nightly my freshman year. Go outside. Even if you're not hanging out with people or going to practice, going outside to study or just enjoy the view is without a doubt one of the best ways to change the pace of a stressful week.

6. Be Open-Minded

Try to befriend people you normally would have never before. Opposites attract, and people will surprise you.

5. Prioritize

It's the hardest skill to acquire growing up, but it's also the key to not feeling like you're drowning on a weekly basis. This one unfortunately can only happen on its own.

4. Try New Things

My freshman year of college I was terrified to venture out, but to this day I am so glad I did. Join a club that sounds the right amount of new and challenging, go to an event with friends thats completely outside of your comfort zone. These are the times to get to do things like this.

3. Be Yourself

People can tell when you're faking it. Period.

2. Put Your Studies First



I realize there's a lot of pressure from people to make these times "the best of your life", but seriously just enjoy it in every way you can. Not everyone gets to experience college, and while its not always the most smooth sailing voyage, smooth seas never made a skilled sailor, ya know?

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