It's finally the end of my first year in college, and whoa, has a whole lot changed. There were a lot of bumps in the road while preparing and getting myself ready for this new environment, and once I got here, I encountered more struggles. However, that doesn't mean college wasn't great in any way. I thoroughly have enjoyed my college experience thus far, but of course, college is what you make it. The experience will differ from person to person, but as long as you make it your own, I promise you won't regret it. With that being said, here are a few tips that I have in mind to help future college freshmen out during their first year of college.
1. Get to know people on campus!
GiphyIf you're going to a college campus where you won't already know someone, I definitely suggest joining your campus's Facebook page for your graduating class, or your school's subreddit. This way, you can meet new people on your campus who are experiencing college for the very first time, like you. Here, you can also find people who share similar interests, and potentially make a friend before even being on campus! I joined my university's subreddit and Facebook page, and here is where I found many of my current friends!
2. Try joining an on-campus club or organization.
Yes, I know, everyone always tells you to do this. But honestly, it's one of the easiest ways to become acclimated to campus, and can even help you learn about campus resources that you never knew existed! Most campuses have clubs or pretty much everything, and if they don't have one that particularly interests you, make one! If clubs aren't your thing, try joining an organization. During my first year, I decided to join the Office of Orientation and become an Orientation Leader. Not only will being a member of clubs and organizations boost your resume, but it will also help you get to know more people on campus and build a support system for when you need one.
3. Attend classes!
I honestly wish I had taken this advice to heart during my first year of college. While yes, most classes will probably not have mandatory attendance, remember that attendance is mandatory for you to learn and understand the concepts. Most college classes don't really take attendance, but some professors have quiz questions or things of the sort that they do in class. These can definitely impact your grade! With that in mind, make sure that you attend classes on time and stay for the full class! If your professor is the type who has random pop-quizzes, you never know when that might be and you never want to miss out on an opportunity to gain more points. Every. Point. Counts.
4. Study, study, study!
Make you you utilize the learning services that your campus provides. Sitting there and struggling in a course will not help you, always reach out for help! Definitely study, and allocate time for studying. Just because you think you already know all the material doesn't mean that you can't still go over a topic to ensure you understand it well. In high school, I didn't study much at all, and still passed every class with flying colors. While for some college classes I barely have to open the book, some require you to actually sit down and go over the material. I didn't do this for some classes and it definitely showed when my test scores came out.
5. Don't be afraid to struggle!
GiphyEveryone goes through a rough bit of college. It's a whole new environment, most people aren't geographically close to their families anymore, and everything is an added stressor. However, these things shouldn't negatively impact your experience! You will struggle, and it is 1000% okay. College isn't meant to be easy, and honestly, college isn't for everyone. Just make sure that you have a support base around you. Whether it be your family or friends around you, having a support system to fall back on will always make you feel better and will help you get through college!