Last week I wrote a very heated letter to UT students ranting about University House and why I felt what they did was unethical. Later, I requested that article not be run because the Vice President emailed and called us offering compensation.
Quick summary, my current suitemates and I signed a lease at University House for the 2018-2019 school year. However, in December, we were notified of a "mutual termination" due to overbooking. As you can probably assume, we were angry and there was a lot of controversy between those of us who got terminated and University House.
Ultimately, after relentless arguing, we received out $300 deposit back and the Vice President has offered to pay the difference since now we have signed a more expensive lease at a different building. However, I still wanted to offer my advice regarding housing to future students.
1. Start early
You definitely want to start the process early. This way you have more time to see where would save you the most time and money. Plus, you'll be able to see more places.
2. Don't believe everything you hear
MAKE SURE you are definitely guaranteed a place to live. You DO NOT want to end up in the same situation I was and scramble for housing at the very end of December.
3. Go with friends
Other people will definitely think of questions you had never even thought of, and these questions will definitely come in handy so you know exactly what you are getting.
4. Ask questions
You think you know everything, but more than likely you won't read the lease. Please read it! Ask as many questions that you can think of.
5. Call your parents
Legally, you might be an adult. But you will always need your parents and they will always be there to help you. So, pick up the phone, call them and ask for advice.