I've heard (either from my friends or overhearing) guys talking to other guys about how confusing girls are. "Why do they go to the bathroom together?" "How do I know if she likes me or not?" "How do I approach the girl I like?"
As a girl, I think we're pretty straightforward and that guys are a lot more confusing, but I'm here to demystify the female population. Here are 15 things guys should know about girls:
Chivalry isn't dead...
Being gentlemanly can get you so far. Don't underestimate how much politeness matters.
...But don't be afraid to let us reciprocate.
Guys can get defensive when a girl wants to hold the door for them or pick up the check. We view those things as a sign of respect and interest, and we want to show you we appreciate you.
Girls go to the bathroom in groups.
This is just a fact of life—no matter where we are or what we're doing. Either we're sketched out by the place we're in, or we just need a break from the craziness of the situation. Sometimes we crack jokes and just talk to our friends, or we decide whether or not we're staying.
Remember the little things.
If we tell you in a random conversation that we like a certain movie, kind of music, food, etc. and you find a way to talk about it or incorporate it into our time with you somewhere down the line, it can mean so much more than you being nice in another way. It shows us that you listen, remember what we say, and care about making us happy.
Intelligence is attractive.
Acting like a bonehead in hopes that we notice will get you the wrong kind of attention. Seeing when someone knows what they're talking about and aren't afraid to show it can be a game-changer.
Don't be afraid to have real conversations.
When we talk to you, we want to know the real you. Don't make a joke out of every topic of conversation. Give real answers and be genuine. We notice.
It's nice for you to dress up every once in a while.
When you put effort into your appearance it shows that you have self-respect and take care of yourself. You'll also get more positive attention. There's a reason "Best Dressed" is a classic yearbook superlative.
Cockiness will get you nowhere.
A lot of people confuse confidence with cockiness. Confidence can be extremely attractive, but when it gets into the territory of excessively boasting, bragging, or acting as if you are the greatest thing to ever walk the earth, it becomes a turn-off.
Be yourself when you meet our friends and family.
People close to us know pretty much everything about you already, and they want to see how great you are with their own eyes. They can tell when you're trying too hard or acting like someone you're not. The best way to make a good first impression is to not over-think everything.
Slow and steady wins the race.
This classic piece of advice seems to be applicable in so many scenarios. Don't try to rush into anything right off the bat. Take it slowly, and don't show interest in anyone else while we're trying to get to know you. Trust us, we're worth it in the end.
The idea that girls don't want nice guys isn't true.
I don't know who told you this, but they lied to you. We might be initially attracted to the "bad boy," but when thinking long-term, we want someone we can depend on and we know will build us up. Kindness and showing the soft side of yourself makes such a difference.
Treat us like you'd want your sister's boyfriend to treat her.
If you don't have a sister, picture your cousin or best girl friend. If you wouldn't want to see a guy be a jerk to her, don't be a jerk to a girl. It's that simple.
Things don't need to be expensive to impress us or make us happy.
Sometimes it really is the thought that counts the most.
Don't be afraid to show interest.
Half the time we can't tell how you feel about us. Don't be afraid to tell us you're interested. If we don't think you're interested, we might not act like we're interested. If you want to talk to us or get to know us, put your foot in the door and give it a chance.
Don't point out our flaws or insecurities.
These are things we hope no one notices, and you pointing them out will only make us more insecure about them. If it's not something we can immediately fix (like something in our teeth or in our hair) don't say anything about it.
When it comes to girls, just relax and don't stress too much. Be upfront and honest, and just be a good guy. We can tell which ones are worth keeping around.