In the weeks leading up to Move-In Day, I was stressing about what I actually wanted to do in college. Do I join a club that I'm in love with? Do I join one that will put me out of my comfort zone? Do I join something I think I'll hate cause it might be a different perspective? All of these are things I considered and, terrified, could not come to a conclusion on what I would do with my free time.
I called a friend of mine, one I look to for pretty much anything that involves college, and he tells me this list of things:
​1) "Do something academic."
This is something I totally understand. He said to do something around my major. This was something I took to heart.
Life is about learning.
Learning about your likes and dislikes, learning from your mistake, and learning from others' mistakes. So as a psychology major, I want to do something where I further my education.
2) "Do something social."
In an effort to have some semblance of a social life, I want to join a club, do something with different kinds of people. I completely understand this one, with a passion. Socially, I think I have this one covered.
3) "Do something you love."
This is the one he had the most to say about. This one deserves to be quoted.
"If you don't love at least one or both of the first two, you're probably doing something wrong."
What's really important with this third one though is something that releases all the stress of the midterms, finals, late nights and early mornings of writing or reading. College gets lawless if you're not doing something you love. It becomes less about the end goal and more about the partying and craziness.