Advice, In 5 Steps, For The Incoming College Freshman | The Odyssey Online
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Advice, In 5 Steps, For The Incoming College Freshman

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Advice, In 5 Steps, For The Incoming College Freshman
Jade Alpha

A few days ago, a friend of mine texted me and asked advice for his "first venture into the real world." There's not much advice that I can give because, at this part of my life, I've pretty much winging everything I do.

However, there are a few things that I can say that stand true to my experiences thus far.

First, when you get your schedule and you have time between moving in and organizing your life, find your classes!

You definitely never want to be caught off-guard and be that freshman that doesn't know what they're doing or where they're going. Find your classes! I recommend doing it in order so that you can get used to walking the paths. Remember to do it for both semesters, even if you think you know where everything is! Trust me, it'll still give you a little pause.

Second, go through the syllabus when class starts and find important due dates and write them down!

I know it sounds stupid or like a no-brainer, but trust're going to need that planner more than you think you will. Going hand-in-hand with that, make sure to keep up with these dates and your planner! It's no use to you if you write it all down and then forget it.

Third, have fun but keep in mind what you're there to do.

Always make time for your clubs, friends, and just favorite things in life... which I'm sure is not your math or biology class. Go hang out with people, decorate your room, binge watch an entire season of your favorite T.V. show on Netflix! Do anything other than stress but don't forget that those due dates are very real. You originally came to get an education. Get it! But don't kill yourself over it.

Fourth, there are little tips you can use to help yourself out in your classes...learn them!

At the beginning of the year, I knew no one. I wasn't from the state and when everyone seemed to have gone to high school together, I was alone. I knew I was going to need friends and so I made it a goal to know and be friends with at least one person in each class and to actually get to know my professors, not just go to class and do the work and leave. It benefitted me in the long run because it meant that I had someone to send me the notes if I was late or couldn't make it to class. When you know the professors and show your interest in the subject, they're more likely to help you out if you need it. It was a simple step but helped so much. Find what works for you, and use your resources.

Lastly, don't let life get you when you aren't looking...

There are so many other things you will learn that aren't listed but some things are better learned personally. Don't let yourself get caught up in the new experiences, the new lifestyle and the new friends that you've acquired. Everything goes so fast, it'll be gone before you know it.

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