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My Advice To Incoming Freshmen Is Always The Same Every Year

This is why getting involved can make a huge difference.

My Advice To Incoming Freshmen Is Always The Same Every Year
Cameron DeVille

Whether it's parents asking for their kids or younger friends that are curious about college, I get asked a lot, "Any advice for the incoming college kids?" My response is always the same: "Get involved as quickly as you can."

I know that everyone has a different college experience. Some people take to the college environment immediately. They become close friends with their roommates, they join a bunch of clubs, and they have a great time. For others, it can be a harder transition.

My freshman year had a rough start. I thought that I was ready for college. I tend to make friends easily, and I can get along with people pretty well. Unfortunately, that's not what happened immediately. I ended up in Morrill Tower, and if you go to OSU, you know that Morrill is definitely not the best dorm on campus. It's not even in the top ten. Morrill is old. The rooms are tiny, cramped, and have one window that's barely a square foot and does not open. It's also one of two dorms on West Campus, which is far away from pretty much everything: classes, the Ohio Union, High Street, and more.

I shared a room with three girls and a bathroom with nine. These girls weren't horror story roommates, but we weren't close. We had different interests and different personalities. Sometimes we clashed, but overall we lived together well.

We weren't friends, though. I didn't feel like I had anyone to talk to. I missed my high school friends. It was probably the most alone I've ever felt.

I didn't join a club right away, either. I tried; I went to the involvement fair but was overwhelmed by the number of options. I thought about joining a writing group, but I never followed through with that search. I thought about theatre, but I wasn't sure where to look since I wasn't a theatre major. Finally, I heard about this group called Off the Lake. I had no idea what it was or what it was about, but they were auditioning for "The Addams Family," a musical that I loved and had wanted to be in for a while.

Auditions were nerve-wracking. I had been living on campus for a couple of months by the time auditions came around, but I had really only walked between my dorm and classes. I didn't know where I was going, and I didn't know any of the other people auditioning. The audition process was a three-day commitment, each day at a different location. I spent half an hour wandering around, trying to find them, but I made it. I got into the show and became a part of the group.

It was a much bigger organization than I had expected, but looking back, that was probably what made it such a good fit for me. The entire group was welcoming and kind. Suddenly, I had things to do and people to talk to. I wasn't just focused on school and stress. I quickly made friends and by second semester, my entire college perspective had turned around. I met people who I'd now call some of my best friends, and I was doing something that I was passionate about.

That's why my advice is to get involved, to join a club and find people that you connect with. The right group can make a world of difference in your life. Making friends and finding your place in college, especially on a big campus, can be hard, but it's definitely not impossible. Putting in the effort to get out and get involved can mean the difference between okay college years and great ones.

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