College certainly has it's ups and downs but it all depends on what you make of them
You don't have to go to parties to have a good time
There are other ways to spend your Friday nights. And believe it or not, there are plenty of people who don't party either so, you're not the only one.
You might not meet your best friends in the first year
True friendships happen naturally and usually form over time. You will meet plenty of people along the way and some will stick while others just float by. If you find that you don't have a solid friend group at the end of your freshman year, don't get discouraged, your tribe will come.
Failing one class will not determine the rest of your college career
This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions someone could think in college. The truth is, if you fail one class, you just have to pick yourself up and try again. You can and will succeed in your major, so never give up on yourself.
Get involved in clubs and activities. You'll thank yourself later
Getting involved in clubs and campus organizations will allow you to find people that share the same interests as you. Not to mention, these look great on scholarship applications.
Take care of your mental health
This is so important, I cannot express this enough. College is a lot of work so, it's easy to forget about your mental health. You need to take the time to make sure that your mental health is in a good state.
You can avoid the freshman fifteen
Avoiding the freshman fifteen is much easier than you think. Just because you have unlimited access to unhealthy food does not mean that you have to indulge in it every day.
Getting enough sleep is so importantÂ
You will not be able to function properly in class without it. Don't lose sleep over assignments or exams because all in all, you will perform much better with sleep than with no sleep.
If you need help, don't be afraid ask for it
Just because you're an adult now doesn't mean you're alone in college. Your peers and professors are there to help you, so don't be afraid to reach out to someone. Campuses also have tons of free resources for writing, tutors, counseling, advising, etc.
You might not end up being best friends with your roommate
In most cases (not all), you will probably just end up being good acquaintances with your roommate and that's okay. Some people just don't click that way.
Stay true to yourself
There are many different types of people, personalities, and values that are expressed in college. Don't let yourself drown in a sea of so many others. Don't let peer pressure affect you.
College is not fun all of the time
You will cry. You will fail. You will gain friends and lose them too. You will probably make quite a few mistakes but, you will also do many great things. College has its ups and downs.
You probably will change your major at least once
College will introduce you to many new opportunities, including majors you've never even heard of before. In fact, over half of college students change their majors at some point during their academic career.
You don't have to complete your degree in four years
It may take you more or less time but that's okay, everyone has a different path so remember to never compare yourself to others.
It is okay to experiment
College really is about finding yourself. Now is the time to try that hairstyle you've been dying to do. Now is the time to join that club they didn't offer in high school. Now is the time to pick up a second language or to try to write that book you've been wanting to write.