The time is coming, my fellow students. The time where we
must all cram for exams, make the mad dash to each class, and pulling all-nighters
are a requirement at least once a week. There is no way to avoid the school year but
there are ways that we can feel satisfied walking into it. No matter how close you are to graduation when you attend a new year or semester going back to campus is always a struggle.
Throw away your school blues for a second and let me present the five things
that you should do before heading back to the classroom.
1. Embrace summertime.
Forget that you don’t have the beach bod of your dreams for a second and make a splash at the pool! Go on road trips or travel. Do what you have to do to gain any and all experiences. During the school year of course there is time for play, but not nearly as much time as one would hope for. Saying yes could turn your summer of trashy reality television and Domino's into making lifetime memories and becoming a social butterfly. Social interaction every now and then will allow you to make connections and bond with friends new and old.
2. Don't forget about family.
They miss you and you will definitely miss them. A busy school semester will not allow you as much time for family outings. Taking the time once or twice a week to do something special with the ones you love will definitely leave them feeling as though they still have a big part in your life. Take mom out to a movie she's been wanting to see, or better yet go eat lunch with Pawpaw. Try really hard to reach out to them and make them feel wanted because trust me, they will appreciate it.
3. Relax.
School will take up so much time and you only get so many breaks during the school year. Take some time for yourself and make the most out of the three beautiful summer months you get while attending college. Find the true meaning of summer in a Netflix binge, or sleep in until noon. Relaxation is very important emotionally. If you take the time to relax in the summer it will help you return the next school year refreshed and ready to head back to campus!
4. Organize.
Organization will make your life so much greater in every aspect. If you’re living off-campus and have bills, have your money for each bill separate and kept away so that you know how much is going where. Make sure to write in a day-to-day planner each class and each assignment that is to be done as soon as you see that something is coming up. Have supplies ahead of time so that you don’t have to make a midnight trip to Walmart the night before. Being organized will get you ahead and will allow you to know what to plan for and what to spend extra time on. Having your schedule laid out along with your supplies the night before at the beginning of each semester will get you out of the door and into the classroom before you know it.5. Save.
This is an issue that I struggle with continually. My freshman year was the first time that I made $100 stretch for two weeks. Money is very important because it allows you to purchase all of your necessities. Parents have a hard time if they have to help with the tuition. The extra bucks you could save with a part-time job helps more than you think! Even if you are fortunate enough to not necessarily need to spend money out of your own pocket, saving will allow you to have money aside for any emergency that may occur and to aid you on your way to gain a sense of pride and independence. Financial freedom is the most amazing feeling!Attending college is one of the most amazing things one could do. All in all, these five tips could make your experience much less stressful. A little preparation never hurt anybody! Enjoy your school year and your summers both, and remember to make the most out of them.