Coming into college as a freshman is an exciting yet scary experience. Many people decide that when they get to college they are going to be a "totally new" and independent person. While most people accomplish this goal, there are a few things that every freshman should remember as they start their new journey.
1. College is a time to find yourself
Everyone has heard the saying, "College is the best four years of your life." Honestly, as cliche as it sounds, this is one of the truest statements that has ever been said. When you get to college, make the choice to get out of your comfort zone and talk to different people. As a freshman, you should make the choice to get involved in random clubs, intramurals, and even talk to people that you never would have come into contact with in high school. Challenge your mind and grow as a person as you learn more and gain a larger perspective on the world from all walks of life. When you challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone you'll be surprised at how many things you actually enjoy that you never imagined you would.
2. Jump at random opportunities
While college is a time to find yourself, it is also a time to meet other people and to make memories. When someone walks down the hall at midnight and says, "Who wants to go to Whataburger?" or "Who wants to go on an adventure?" GO! These random trips with people you don't really know can create the funniest memories and the best stories. When you look back on your college experience, you won't remember anything memorable from staying in your room and watching Netflix, but you will remember the random trips you took and the memories that you made.
3. Call your parents
When most people get to college the immediate thought is, "I AM FREE!!!" Seriously, I thought the exact same thing. While in a sense I was free to make my own choices, study when I wanted, or even go out when I wanted, it was still a scary experience. Regardless of what you think when you get to college, it is okay to miss your parents. And when you start to miss them, pick up the phone and call them. They would love to hear from you and you will be so happy that you called because even though you're off being independent, everyone needs help and advice and that is what your parents are there for.
4. Don't lose your values
I spent a lot of time in high school trying to fit in and trying to be one of the "popular kids". By the time I started my freshman year I was determined to be friends with everyone and to be able to talk to anyone. During this process I had to choose whether I really wanted to sacrifice what I believed was right and how I felt in order to fit in. My advice is to be friends with whoever you want to be friends with but to not sacrifice your morals or what you believe in. If you stay true to yourself and you stay strong in your beliefs you will find people who respect you for that and want to be your friend regardless. Do not sacrifice what you believe in just because someone says they don't agree. The beauty of college is that you will meet so many people from all different mindsets that you shouldn't change what you believe in just to fit in with one group of people.