When applying to be a fish camp counselor, we all have one goal in mind. We want to help incoming freshmen in their transition into the greatest university in the world and share our passion for our school. Coming into Texas A&M, you may be scared out of your mind that you won't find your place or get everything you hoped from college, but there isn't one standard college experience, something your fish camp counselors are hoping to show you by the time you start classes. Each counselor from Session B, Lime, Camp Burton, has gathered some advice to show you that college is going to be one of the greatest experiences of your life, this is your time to shine, and you're so incredibly blessed to be an Aggie.
"There are people, organizations, churches, communities, resources, and events everywhere you turn. There's only one thing standing between feeling alone, or feeling like you belong; you. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there." -Allie Smith
"Step out of your comfort zone and experience new things. College is the time to find yourself and your passions, so reach out and meet new people, join organizations and be the person you want to be." -Tyler Stocker
"College is a time where you discover who you really are and what you are passionate about. Putting yourself out there and getting involved helps ease the transition to college, allows you to make new friends that share similar interests, and helps you get the most out of your college experience. And with over 1000 student organizations on campus, you are sure to find your home away from home at Texas A&M." -Manny Moreno
"Make time to do things that help you relax, whether it be a friend's marathon, going for a run, or spending quality time with your friends. College can be stressful, so it's good to let yourself unwind every once in a while." -Courtney Johnston
"Get involved in a student organization. Being a part of something will not only allow you to meet new people, but also help develop you as a leader." -Gary Russell
"Never stop stretching yourself to grow as a person." -Kate Lindeman
"You don't remember the nights you slept early." -Javier Saldana
"Grades are very important, but college is also about meeting the people who will be supporting you for the rest of your life. So study, go out, make friends, and make memories because you'll never remember the nights you stayed in to get a couple extra hours of sleep." -Kayla Gaddy
"Let your experiences guide you, not define you. Don't sit on your ass and wait for opportunities to fall in your lap. Also, your box is only as big as you make it but never be afraid to think outside of it." -Spencer Waldo
"Don't worry so much about trying to make everything perfect; trying to find the perfect significant other, the perfect friends, the perfect parties, the perfect organizations, etc. There is no such thing as a perfect college experience because the beauty of college is that it's unique to you and your journey." -Mary Cinek
"Join clubs, academic and for pleasure, it's where you'll meet almost all of your friends." -Nathan Ruhovets
"Remember to not get too stressed about the little things. God always has a way of working things out." -Dionne Mitcham
"Get involved and meet as many people as you can, you never know where, or when you'll need a friend." -THE Jason Walker
"Buy a stapler, but more importantly, be open to new experiences and ideas that would never have crossed your mind. You will grow the most from these." -Mikayla Dansby
"Call your parents. They will miss you more than you think. Also, only take 12 hours your first semester and enjoy it." -Michael Diehl
"Seek help when needed whether it's tutoring and SI or counseling services, don't be afraid to get assistance with things you are struggling with." -Paige Albright
"Morals may seem like something that are just a word made by parents to follow the rules, but in reality, they are something that could save or ruin yourself and your reputation." -Chase Stenholm
"Be ready to accept that your college experience isn't going to be what you expected, it'll most likely be so much better than you ever imagined." -Ashlyne Kukreja
"Ask others to lunch- those lifelong college friends you about don't happen effortlessly. A little meal can go a long way in establishing friendships." -Nick Novy
" Fire alarms can happen at any time, even at 3 in the morning and can last a long time. Make sure you're not the one who gets stuck wearing a towel or out in the freezing cold without a blanket." -Dani Broman
"Don't worry about what other people think, don't get so caught up in things that won't matter tomorrow, get out of your comfort zone, and do the things that will make you happy." -Ashley Searcy
"Throw yourself into whatever you're doing, whether it be class or an organization, because what you put in is what you get out." -Trey Anderson
"It's okay to no longer be the perfect straight A student that you were in high school. College is incredibly different from high school and it will take some time adjust. Take the time to figure out what is best for you and stick with it." -Anna Watson
"Be happy." -Tyler Brinkley
"I got rejected from 6 different organizations before I found my place at A&M. If you don't get into something you're striving for, don't worry. Your organization is out there, you just have to wait for it." -Carmen Harrity
"Keep an open mind. Be open to new people and new ideas. You change a lot in college and you have to be receptive to that change." -Rebecca McIntyre
We hope this advice has eased your mind as you prepare to make your mark on Aggieland!
Thanks and Gig 'Em