Reminiscing on my adolescence, I’ve come to realize how difficult I thought life was; but now, I see all the little things I thought were big deals really were not. During my adolescence, I was always one who had a lot of friends and liked to keep busy. In middle school I hung with the same group of girls I hung with from elementary school, but I also started being friends with different groups of people. Being from such a small town where everyone knows each other eventually you start to hang with more people and not stay attached to only one certain group. My parents always gave me everything I wanted and I never had any reason to be mean or disapprove of anything they thought until I got in high school. When I started high school my best friend started hanging out with a new group of friends and I did not know how to act so I started having to make other friends since it was a new school. I never had a social life when I was a freshman in high school and never had a reason to disobey my parents. When I was a sophomore I became friends with my neighbor who was older than me and she accepted me and let me hang with all her older friends and I never hung with anyone my age anymore. During my junior year of high school I started to have the life I wanted and by hanging with older people I realized the kind person I wanted to be, but I also started breaking curfew not because I was behaving bad but because I felt like I was grown and thought I knew everything. It was difficult for me to realize I was not the age my friends were and I was still in high school. People often asked me why I hung with older people and I never cared what they thought so I did not really care to give an answer. I like to think everything I experienced during my adolescence helped me become who I am today including all the friends who impacted my life.
Growing up is a part of life and it takes high school and college to figure out who you are. In these years you develop your character, own opinions, and own values about things. Even in your 20's I have come to realize not everyone has their life all together. It is okay to fail but most importantly you should learn from your mistakes and grow from them.