Advice On Choosing A College From A Transfer Student | The Odyssey Online
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Advice On Choosing A College From A Transfer Student

High school seniors, this one's for you.

Advice On Choosing A College From A Transfer Student

Hey high school seniors, this one’s for you. Yeah, you over there, the one freaking out because you have no idea where you’re going to spend the next four years of your life. I know exactly what you are feeling right now. It seems like literally everyone has already decided, right? And that you are the last one to make the big choice? This is the number one cause of all your stress, trust me, I understand. I applied to 11 colleges, yeah you read that one right, 11. And boy was I all over the place; I applied to small schools in big cities, big schools in small college towns and almost everything in between. And then, one day in April I decided, but I made the wrong decision. I messed up, and I thought I had ruined my entire future. However, that was a bit of an overreaction, and after one semester I transferred to what should have been my first choice, and I’ve never been happier. So, folks, that’s my college decision story and now I’m here to give you advice; what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and also gives you some good life lessons. Without further ado, here is some advice on choosing a college from a transfer student aka me.

1. Do not choose a school just because all of your friends or your boyfriend are going there.

Not that I had a boyfriend to follow to college, but you get the idea. On the other hand, if you absolutely love a school, but your friends go there and you're afraid that you will not get out of your comfort zone or spread your wings because of that, do not let that be a reason to not choose a school. For example, I thought going to a school where I knew absolutely no one would be good for me and help push me out of my comfort zone, but I was so wrong.

2. College is more than academics.

Don’t get me wrong, academics are super important, but college is supposed to be an experience. I made the mistake of choosing my first school solely based on its academics and the program it offered for my major. I didn’t spend much time thinking about what I wanted socially; it took me actually going to college and experiencing the social atmosphere at different schools to realize what I wanted.

3. If you're not happy with the decision when you first make it, then chances are you won't be happy with it later on.

Now this may sound like common sense, but for some reason this did not register with me. I was not happy when I finally decided on my original school, but for some reason, I thought that would change. It did not. I spent the entire summer absolutely dreading the thought of moving to college and I thought it was just because I was going to miss home, but nope. It was because I chose the wrong school. So don’t rush it, take your time deciding and don’t feel pressured to decide, because the easy choice isn’t always the best choice.

4. You are the one going to college, not your mom, not your best friend, not your siblings, not your boyfriend.

Please, please, please remember this. This is your life and your choice. Your parents aren't going to college for you. Your best friend is not going to experience your college experience. Your boyfriend is not going to go to all of your classes and hang out with all your friends. YOU are the one going to the college that you choose, no one else. So PLEASE choose it for yourself, and not what you think anyone else would want for you.

5. What you want will change and that's okay.

Just because you wanted something in a school when you applied, doesn't mean you want that same thing when you are deciding. When I was applying to schools in October, I thought I wanted to go to school in a big city, but then when time to finally decide rolled around in the spring, I realized I wanted to be in a college town. I felt like I had already made the internal decision to go to a city school, so I couldn’t change what I wanted, which is so wrong. You can change your mind, you are growing and learning every day. It is 100% okay to change what you want and you don’t need to explain that to anyone.

6. It’s okay to be the last of your friends to decide.

May 1 is the deadline. So take as much time as you need. Visit as many times as you can. Talk to as many people as you want. Choosing a college is a big decision and should not be taken lightly. Do not feel pressured to choose early just because all of your friends have already decided. You will know when you know, and that might be the day you get accepted to a school, or that might be October of your freshman year. It’s different for everyone.

7. It's okay to make the wrong choice.

Please remember that if you make a mistake, you can change it. Nothing is permanent. If you decide on a school, then you get there and realize you made the wrong decision, do not be afraid to admit it to yourself. It will be okay. You will find a place that makes you happy.

With this advice, I wish you the best of luck. You will choose the right school for you, and if you don’t, you will figure it out eventually.

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