As a college freshmen, I can say that I didn't expect some things to happen the way that they are laying out. Here are 5 things I wish I knew before I started.
1. You will second guess your major and the choice of school
For years I knew exactly what I wanted to do after college and even what I wanted to study in college. I even knew by the beginning of my junior year of high school where I wanted to go to college. However, I am human and I do second guess myself a lot. I think what some people don't understand is that it’s a lot of pressure. Thinking you want to study the major you’ve had in mind for who knows how long and then all of a sudden you're thinking “why did I ever think this would be fun”. But don't worry. If you start to hate your choice of major, my advice to you is, give it a year. See how you like it and if it really isn't something you want to study by the end of your freshman year, then change it and don't be afraid to. People do it all the time an you're not alone. Same thing goes for the choice of school. Really give it a year to sink in. If you really feel as though it wasn't the right choice of school for you like you thought it was, then that's okay. Change it. No one will judge you.
2. You will make friends
Personally, I was nervous about finding my crowd and I still am nervous about it. But the only way you’ll make friends is if you put yourself out there. Do not sit in your room on the weekends watching Netflix and being antisocial. Go out! Whether it’s to a party (be safe if you do choose to go to a party), or if it’s getting pizza at 1 in the morning with a group of people you talk to in one of your classes. Just go out and have fun. You’ll regret it if you don’t.
3. You will dread going to classes and the work that comes with it
8am classes are the worst. Believe me I have them three times a week. School work will often feel like it'll be the death of you, but hey, you're an adult now. So suck it up and go to class and do your work. You’re lucky to be where you're at. Some people who really want to go to college can’t attend for a variety of reasons. Don't take your education for granted.
4. You will miss having your own space
One of the hardest things about going to college is having to share your space with a stranger. Not only do you worry about if the two, or three, or however many roommates you’ll have, will get along, but also if you’re able to live in a civil environment that has very limited space. A lot of us back home had our own bedrooms and bathrooms. But college is much different. You have to share a living space and bathroom that not only contains your mess but someone else too. Sometimes it can get to the point where it’ll drive you insane but don’t worry. It will be okay and you’ll learn to live with them. Just keep in mind that if there is ever any problems you have with your roommate, talk to them and try to figure it out.
5. You will miss home
Don’t try and be the tough one in the group, you will miss home. I know for me, being the independent person I am, it wasn't hard at first to leave. I honestly was excited to leave for college, but after some time, I did start to miss it. I think what I, and many others, miss most about home is the home cook meals. Nothing feels more like home then a meal cooked by your parents. No matter what a school tells you about how good their dinning hall food is, nothing can beat that home cook meal.
Although being away from home can be hard for the most independent person, all the way down to the homebody, it will be okay and you will survive college.