To the typical student working their butt off going to school and managing any type of job. Whether it's a full-time job or part-time job. Remind yourself to take a break. Breathe, try to have fun and relax a little bit.
Managing a tight schedule can overwhelm anyone. Whether it's because of the stress from managing a full course load or it's work expectations, responsibilities and stress from coworkers. A word of advice to those who can relate, take some time for yourself. Go out and have some fun with your friends, don't be afraid to take off a day off or two, and if you ever feel like you're taking on the world on your shoulders, ask for help.
It can be easy to feel like there are not enough hours in the day. You are constantly having a mental breakdown every time you realize you can't complete a simple task such as doing laundry because you don't have the time with work, school, and studying.
Just keep in mind this is not forever, it's not long term or permanent. This is just a little bit of what you have to give up now to help build a better future for yourself. Just have faith and remember it'll be worth it in the end.