Five Adventurous Things To Do In Northeast Ohio | The Odyssey Online
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Five Adventurous Things To Do In Northeast Ohio

From climbing to kayaking, Northeast Ohio is host to an unexpected array of different activities.

Five Adventurous Things To Do In Northeast Ohio
Matt Jackson

Northeast Ohio is a rather eclectic place, offering many kinds of entertainment to a wide variety of people. A simple Google search can bring up multiple lists of "Things to Do," covering everything from museums to restaurants to historic landmarks. However, for those of you longing for something more exciting, or just having a day where you can't sit still, you are in luck. Northeast Ohio is host to a wide array of active and engaging experiences for people of all ages and interests.

1. Hiking.

Between local agencies such as Summit and Cleveland Metro Parks, and federal agencies such as the National Park Service, countless square miles of natural wonder can be hiked and explored for free. For those looking for a simple hike or jog, many easily navigated trails exist. For those like myself who prefer doing their own thing, off-trail hiking leads to a wonderful world of gorges, rivers, and rock formations of varying degrees of difficulty and technical skill.

Some of my personal recommendations include:

Gorge Metro Park, Cuyahoga Falls

Cascade Metro Park, Elyria

Chippewa Creek/Brecksville Reservation, Rt. 82 in Brecksville

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

As far as the more secluded and unique areas, if you can get involved in the local outdoors community or read topographical maps, you will find many.

2. Kayaking on the Cuyahoga River.

If kayaking sounds like an awesome day trip for you and your significant other, or your family and friends, I recommend an outfitter such as Burning River Adventures in Cuyahoga Falls, or Crooked River Adventures operated by Kent State University. Burning River Adventures is a company I have interacted with personally many times, and has played an important role in supporting tourism on the Cuyahoga River.

If kayaking is something you want to pursue more seriously, and are looking for groups for guidance and companionship, I recommend the Keelhauler's Canoe Club. If you are interested specifically in whitewater paddling, I recommend taking a look at what Cuyahoga Falls has to offer (and feel free to drop a comment or contact me personally).

3. Skydiving.

Between the large population and the availability of sparsely-inhabited land among its outskirts, Northeast Ohio has become a very successful area for skydiving. Within an hour and a half of the Kent/Akron/Cuyahoga Falls area, there are four drop zones in Ohio and one in Pennsylvania.

Specifically, I would recommend Cleveland Skydiving Center in Garrettsville and Aerohio in Rittman. I have spent multiple summers with Cleveland Skydiving Center as my second home, and I highly recommend their welcoming environment and professional staff.

If you are unsure if you want to jump from a plane but want to see what it's like, call and ask about plane rides. On a clear day, you can get a decent view of the Cleveland skyline, and watch jumpers as they leave the plane.

4. Mountain Biking.

Sure, it's not Moab or West Virginia, but mountain biking definitely exists in Northeast Ohio. Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Cleveland Metro Parks both provide and maintain bike trails.

The Cleveland Area Mountain Bike Association (CAMBA) provides constant updates of trail conditions and acts as an invaluable support tool for bikers.

For an indoor experience, check out Ray's in Cleveland. A truly awesome place, believe me.

5. Indoor Rock Climbing.

For those unsure about investing in the gear and training to pursue climbing seriously, indoor climbing offers the chance to learn basic and advanced techniques, try out equipment, and build physical fitness. It's also an opportunity to go out and try something different or kill some afternoon boredom.

In addition to climbing walls available at university recreational centers, numerous options exist in Northeast Ohio:

-Kendall Cliffs, Peninsula

-Rock Mill Climbing, Akron

-Cleveland Rock Gym, Euclid

Between sport climbing, lead climbing, and bouldering, the wide array of climbing gyms in Northeast Ohio provides opportunities for everybody. If you are looking for a local dealer of climbing equipment, Appalachian Outfitters in Peninsula provides plenty of options.

Whether you've lived in Northeast Ohio your whole life or are just visiting, there is always something new to discover. I encourage everyone to get outside, get activity, and tap into the lesser-known resources of the state of Ohio.

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