Living alone isn't an easy decision to make. You have to weigh the pros and cons of living alone. Here are some of the advantages of living alone:
Peace and Quiet
This is one of the major advantages of living alone. You don't have to worry if someone has the TV or music too loud. You can sit in your apartment and enjoy the peace and quiet, since the rest of your life is chaotic.
You get to decorate your apartment how you want to. You don't have to worry about the god awful decor your roommates bring because it's just you. You want to paint your walls yellow? Go ahead! You want to opt for minimalism? Who is stopping you?
Total Control
You have total control of your life and your apartment. You can live how you want whether it be hoarding everything, or being a neat freak. Your life is in your hands. Live how you want, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Living alone is the ultimate independence. You have no one to help with bills or groceries. It's just you. Life gets hectic sometimes, and you have to figure out a way to cope with it. It teaches you how to deal with things without the help of someone else.
Finding Yourself
Living alone teaches you who you are after you leave everyone else. You are able to really find yourself and figure out what makes you happy and what makes you mad. You don't have anyone to come home to. You can be yourself completely.
Living alone has many advantages, but it also has disadvantages. It can get lonely and boring, but you will learn how to cope with that. When a person decides to live alone, it can be the most exciting decision of their life.