During life you make a lot of mistakes. That just the part of growing up. With these mistakes become lessons and growth. You always think about what you could do different when you look back at things you did when you were younger. Here is just a few things adults had to say when asked "What advice would you give to your younger self?"
"Stop worrying so much about being judged. Even if people are judging you, it doesn't matter...as long as you are happy with your actions and words. Also, cherish your family. It may seem like they will be around forever, but things can change faster than the blink of an eye."
"Don't ever be ashamed of who you are, and make sure to do whatever is it that makes you happy. Stop caring about what people think of you, and don't ever let someone tell you no, or that you can't do something you love."
"Don't worry about other people's opinions. Not everyone is going to like you. People are going to talk about you no matter what you do."
"Thee advice I would give to my younger self is to never question your dreams and know your worth. It is extremely important to believe in yourself to accomplish your goals. And the most important thing to remember is to be happy, if you are doing something or surrounded by people that don't do that for you, make a change to be happy."
"Listen to advice from your family and friends. Take it in and utilize their experiences to help you navigate and make better choices in your own life."
"Be truthful and honest with yourself and the people you keep around you. Whether good or bad, honesty is best. Even if it's blunt at times."
"While in my early 20's as young adult, I had little to no care's in the world. Now as a 30 year old with 2 kids and a husband, every decision I make I stress if I am making the right one and how it will effect my family. Life changes as you get older. I am still trying to figure this life thing out myself. I have learned some things transitioning from a young adult to an 'adult,' that I wish I would have known then. But, where is the fun in that? As a young adult my priorities were pretty much friends, work, family and school, in that order. The biggest decision I had to make was where we were going that night. One of the best times I had were mostly just driving in the car with friends, while taking random road trips. I made mistakes and bad decisions, but guess what, I made it through. The young adult years can be rough with trying to figure out which direction to go in. But guess what, things will work out. It might not seem possible, but they will. It might not be in the way you envisioned or hope, but it will be okay! Cherish the people in your life, because they may not be there down the road. For whatever reason, whether it be due to a fight, death or just losing touch. Life happens and people and situations change. But, you can never take
back the times you had together. Take lots of pictures. Visit your family. Have fun! Don't do anything you don't want too. If something seems like a bad idea, it most likely is. You are NOT invincible. Save your money. Be careful with credit cards, you know there are monthly payments that go along with them? It took me years to get my credit straight, after taking out too many as a young adult. Take care of yourself."
"Stay open and positive to adventures. Go for it. Do not be afraid to try something new. You shouldn't always go with the flow, because the flow can go downhill."