Why did I ever stop going outside? When did I stop daydreaming with imaginary friends? When was the exact age, I stopped being a kid? These are some of the things I think about in the shower. But let’s really analyze this situation.
Do you honestly remember when the last time you went outside with your friends to ride your bike? Or the last time you went to the park and played a game of tag? If you go to a playgroumd these days, it would be hard to see a kid without a phone, instead of sliding down a slide. It is sad to think that kids these days will not find the joy of the things that the generations before them did. I supposed this is a matter that has gone on for centruries, but now that I am older, I actually see the change with my own eyes.
I think the last time I went outside to play was in eighth grade, so I would be 12 or 13. Isn’t it mind boggoling now that I am an adult in college, that only five short years ago, I was out playing in the streets. We only have seventeen years to be children. The rest of our lives will be spent working towards retirement (When we can play again). Kids these days think just as I had all those years ago. "I cant wait to be grown!" Now that I am grown, I wish I would've really took my time and enjoyed my youth.
Now life is filled with deadlines, bills, school, tuition bills, and going to bed at 2 a.m. Those of you who read this and you have kids that wish they were grown, have them come talk to me! I'll set them all straight. They know not what they ask. Make them wish they could be a kid for forever. In the real world, things are not so kind and warm hearted.