When you are a little kid, you spend a lot of time complaining that your life is rough, your parents are idiots, they don't understand you, they don't get where you are coming from, or they just don't let you do what you should do. You spend a lot of time complaining that they don't give you the freedom that you want, don't let you come and go as you deserve, don't treat you as a mature human being are too controlling, want too much power, or are too damn possessive.
If you are that overwhelmed, the suggestion that I can make is simple - Move out of the house, get a job, pay your own bills and stop letting your parents support you. I don't care if you are 12 or 40. You should move out. Stop complaining about your parents being controlling overwhelming overbearing idiots and you should become an adult. If you're not happy living where you are living, you should do something about it.
You all see the signs. "Children? Don't like your life? Don't like your parents telling you what to do? Move out. Pay your own cell phone bill, car insurance and all the other stuff that goes with being an adult. Take responsible. And do it now."
I'm here to tell you a true fact. Adulting is not all that it's cracked up to be. And if you can stay a kid for as long as possible, let someone else pay your bills, support you, and give you a house to live in while you do your thing? Shut up and take advantage of it.
As a young kid you want all of the freedom in the world. In today's world it's different. You want a cell phone, you want access to the internet, you want to be able to get on your expensive computer, come and go as you please, have your parents pick you up, drop you off, take you to sporting events, play all the sports you want, be as active in school as you want, and you don't want to pay for a thing. But the one thing you need to realize is that as a kid, you have a damn good life. You have someone else that is responsible for all you do. You have someone driving you around, buying you clothes, paying your bills, buying you food, supporting you, putting a roof over your head, and taking care of everything from morning to night. If you don't like it? Pack your shit, move out, and take care of it yourself. Become a responsible adult. And you're going to find out how quickly that it sucks.
Adulting - It's not all that it's cracked up to be.
If you think you have it rough as a kid when your mom, dad or someone in the family won't pay your cell phone bill, buy you the new iPhone, buy you a car, pay your car insurance, pay for you to take that cute little girlfriend out on a date, or do something you want? There are two words that will make you rethink the way that you look at life.
Mortgage payment.
If you aren't happy where you are at, I am telling you, it's your responsibility to pack your things, move out, get your own house/apartment, pay your own cell phone bill, figure out your own car insurance, do your own taxes, get a job, and pay your light bills. Turn utilities on in your name, pay homeowners/renters insurance, and find out the reality of life. Adulting is not all it's cracked up to be.
When you get out, get a job, get out of college or do whatever it is that you choose to do in life, you are going to have to pay rent. You will eventually want to buy a house. And you'll have to replace stuff in the house that breaks. Your car breaks down? Your mom and dad aren't there to fix it anymore. You have to pay the bills to the mechanic. Get a credit card and you pay interest rates. If you want to borrow money you go to a bank and now you've got payments to return. And if you want to buy a new video game system, a new flat screen TV, pay the internet bill, or you want a new cell phone? Your parents aren't going to do it for you. You're on your own.
If you think life sucks as a kid, that your parents are too controlling, overbearing and demanding, you should pack your things, load them into a U-haul, move into an apartment or house somewhere, and watch the bills start piling up.
Now being an adult isn't always the worst experience in the world. If you don't want to make your bed you don't have to. If you don't want to clean your laundry you don't have to. If you don't want to do the dishes you don't have to. If you want to sleep in one day and not have anyone yell at you, it's okay that you do that (Unless you're married or have a girlfriend/boyfriend - Then the shit is gonna hit the fan). But if you want to make a mess and not clean it up? You can throw things on the floor. You don't have your mom or dad to tell you to clean up the dog poop in the backyard. Nobody is going to make you clean the garage. And nobody is going to make you vacuum the floor. You can leave it as messy as you want.
But if you want somewhere to live? You still have to pay the rent or mortgage payment. You still have to pay for gas for your car. If you want friends or a social life, you still have to pay that cell phone bill. If something breaks down, it's you that's responsible for it.
Kids? Stay at home as long as you can. Stop bitching at your parents for telling you what to do. Be happy that you have no responsibilities, that you don't have to do anything more than get up, get out of bed, go to school, hang out with that cute little girlfriend, go watch some sporting event or participate in some activity at school and go through the difficult task of life wondering what you're going to wear as your mom/dad or someone in the family drives you to school and/or somewhere to hang out with your friends.
Enjoy it as long as you can. And if you don't like it? Get your stuff together and move out. But I"m here to tell you, this adulting thing isn't all that it's cracked up to be. It's an experience, it's stressful, it's difficult, on most days it's not fun, and you have responsibilities that you never had as a kid.
Be young. Take advantage of it. Don't complain about it. Because once your childhood is over? And you become an adult? You're on your own.