I turned 18 last year in July and headed off to college about a month later. I was so excited to become an adult and do my own thing. I have never been on my own before and I have never had to rely on only myself. For me, turning 18 didn’t mean much besides getting freedom. The only thing that was changing was that I was a year older, I could vote, buy cigarettes and lottery tickets. When a person turns 18 they are legally an adult, but throughout my time being 18 I have never felt like an adult. I still need my mom and dad for everything and in the future, I won’t have to rely on them as much, but I’ll always need their help. Here are a few signs that really showed me that I am not an adult just because an age tells me I am.
When you’re at the doctor’s office and they start asking questions that you have no answers for.
When someone hands you paperwork.
Making appointments of any kind.
Having no idea how to cook anything other than Kraft mac and cheese.
Begging for money from my parents.
Messing up your laundry and having no idea what you did wrong.
Any kind of car trouble.
I never want to become a real adult because I don’t want to be responsible for my own care! I’ve had someone else doing it for me for the past 18 years and I don’t want to start now. Being an adult is so hard and I’m so thankful my parents have been patient with me and helped through everything.