College is definitely a time of learning, and not just in the classroom. I learned a lot about myself during my time at BCU that had nothing to do with my field of study - that I actually am a morning person, that music really is life, and that I'm happier when I'm busy, just to name a few. But the most important thing I learned is that having a college degree does not mean you know everything. In fact, there's plenty I didn't learn until I moved across Iowa and got my first big-girl job. Here are 13 things about adulthood that they don't teach you in college:
1. Your degree doesn't get you a job, only opportunities.
And sometimes you're overqualified. Or still underqualified.
2. Read the job description thoroughly when applying.
Right out of college I landed what I thought was a job in social media marketing, but it was actually ad sales. Not my skill set at all.
3. Know how your car works. All of it.
As I sit at the shop writing this while I wait for them to fix the slow leak in my tires when I probably could've done it myself.
4. Someday very soon, you won't be able to drink as much as you could when you were 21.
As I sit at the shop writing this with a splitting headache. I didn't even get drunk last night?!?!
5. You also won't be able to afford to drink as much as you could when you were 21.
Or buy anything you don't need, really. As I sit at the shop thinking about the bill for this. And car insurance. And rent. And utilities. And cable. Why the hell do I have cable again?
6. You don't actually have tons of free time.
I was busy from dawn to dusk in college, and that didn't change after graduation. 8 hours a day at my full-time job, writing on the side, working out, trying to have a social life, and trying to get the right amount of sleep? Yeah, no. Which takes me to my next point...
7. Your living space will never be clean.
Trying to juggle everything in point 6 means my roommate and I are full of empty promises that we'll clean the sink or fold our laundry...
8. The first year post-grad can be really depressing.
Being busy with adulthood, you feel like you never see your friends anymore or go to any of the fun events you attended in college. It can be lonely.
9. You have to take care of yourself when you're sick.
And that means scheduling your own appointments. The pit in your stomach is so real right now.
10. You have to prevent yourself from getting sick.
Which is damn near impossible, because...
11. Colds go around at work just like they did on your floor.
Everyone in the cubicles around you is coughing and sneezing.
12. You will actually miss college.
Adulthood can be overwhelming. Senior year, I was so ready to be done going to class and doing homework, but the responsibilities weren't as huge.
13. But adulthood is worth the hassle!
Because nobody can tell you that you can't go out for margaritas on a Tuesday when you're an adult. (Even though you probably shouldn't. Again, speaking from experience.)