While I have only been in my 20s for a mere two years, there are a few things that I have learned as I transitioned from high school to college. Between friendships, relationships, health (both mental and physical), and budgets, being an adult is more difficult than I ever thought it would be. While it definitely has its lows, sometimes, the highs are worth it. So, without further ado, here are the 20 things I have learned about being in my 20s:
1. Eat your greens.
By getting your full servings of fruits and vegetables, not only do you feel better, your body will thank you. They provide vitamins your body needs to stay healthy. Speaking of vitamins...
2. Take a multi-vitamin everyday, too.
These things are miracle workers and include the vitamins you might not be getting in your regular diet.
3. Those diet pills and miracle diets don't actually work.
Sure, Pinterest is a great place to find recipes and workouts, but using diet pills and juice cleanses aren't the way to lose weight.
4. Starving yourself isn't the way to lose weight either.
Period. Just don't do it. Food is bae.
5. Try new foods!
Seriously, try the local bistro that has always piqued your interest, or order something you normally wouldn't at your favorite restaurant. You never know what you might end up liking.
6. Eat dessert first.
You only live once, so why not eat dessert first? It's more fun that way anyway.
7. Go to those yearly check-ups with your doctor.
I hate doctors and needles more than anything else, but finding out that I am healthy is always a mind-clearer. It's also good to make sure you are getting screened for certain cancers and diseases, and finding out early can help save lives. Plus, getting checked on your mental health isn't a bad idea either.
8. Cut ties with toxic friends.
This one took me a while to learn. If your friends are treating you like shit, and they have been for years, then chances are they aren't good friends. Cut your losses (and your friendship) and spend time with the people you care about and who care about you.
9. Call your mom.
And your dad, and grandparents, and siblings, and family. They want to hear from you, and they miss you. So call them, if anything, to give them a piece of mind.
10. Respect your family.
In the end, your family is always going to be there for you. Stop thinking you're too cool for them. Besides, your parents are probably pretty cool and they want to hang out with you.
11. Meet new people.
While you might think of yourself as an introvert, getting out there and meeting new people can be beneficial to your mental and social health. Besides, you could even find your new best friend. I know it might be scary, but you can do it!
12. Be single for a while.
Take the time to be single without worrying about being in a relationship. Figure out who you are and what you want, and never let anyone feel lesser for not being a relationship. You don't need no significant other to complete you.
13. It's OK to let someone in.
Sure, liking someone is hard. It's scary. I know for a fact that letting someone into my little bubble scares the shit out of me. But, it can also be really rewarding. Trusting someone takes work, but knowing you have someone to confide in is worth it.
14. Use protection. Always.
No excuses. Unless you're married and want kids, use protection. It can prevent you from getting pregnant or getting a STD. Ain't nobody got time for that.
15. Talk about your feelings.
To your friends, to your therapist, to your current bae. Just do it. Besides, not only will it make you feel better, but chances are the person can give you advice on how to handle what you are going through.
16. Say "I Love You."
It doesn't have to be to a significant other. Say it to your friends, your family, random strangers you see on the street if you really want. People deserve to know how you feel about them.
17. Love your flaws.
This one could take a lifetime. You have scars, you have flaws. Accept it. It's what makes you, uniquely you.
18. Explore and take risks.
Explore your city, explore your bedroom, explore the local bookstore. Go skydiving! Just satiate the curiosity in your mind and learn something new.
19. Read. A Lot.
It can be magazines, biographies, fiction, anything. It will help your brain and your memory, and give you a release into something other than your current reality.
20. Do what makes you happy.
As long as it's not killing anyone or anything. Find what makes you happy in life. From spending time with family or writing or traveling, adventure and happiness is out there. Go. Do.