I am 20 years old and a junior in college, and for the past two years I have caught myself saying the same phrase over and over again:
“I am an adult!”
And while I am becoming increasingly more self sufficient and learning how to tackle life’s toughest challenges, there are many ways that I am just simply a “starter” adult.
I do attend college, I do have multiple jobs, and I somehow manage to survive on my own while at school. However, there is nothing like coming home for the summer to remind me that maybe I am not as grown up as I think I am.
For starters, I have amazing parents that still choose to be financially responsible for me.
So while I do work and am expected to buy things that I want and need, they still cover the basics. They are gracious enough to pay for my college expenses, rent, extracurricular things, etc. “Real” adults pay for everything with a real job, and they don’t have to remind their mom that their rent is due and that they only have $0.27 in their account.
I still get breaks and vacations.
I get six weeks off from school for Christmas and an overwhelming three months for summer. Although I maintain an internship, work and attend summer school, I also sleep, go out with my friends, and sometimes just lay around being glad I don’t have an 8 a.m. every day. “Real” adults don’t always get that luxury, their 8-5 salary paying jobs don’t let out for holidays or end after finals week.
I still have to check in.
Like I mentioned, my parents are still pretty much fully responsible for me. Because of this, I can’t just fall off the face of the Earth, or hop on a plane and send a postcard from wherever I end up. I still tell them when I go out of town and they usually ask me around what time they can expect me home. That’s more of a respect thing in my opinion, but nonetheless I still check in. They are my parents and they do have a right to know where I am. “Real” adults may do this as well, but they certainly don’t have to.
I still go out regularly.
I know actual hard working adults have fun too, but I really doubt they’re frat hopping at 2 a.m on a Thursday night. I am learning that a big part of adulthood is sleep and balancing priorities. So while I am having fun and milking this college party thing as long as I can, I understand that the real world doesn’t include Fraternity field parties, Flip Night at the bar, or Jungle Juice.
I still use the excuse “I’m in college” or “I’m only 20.”
A lot of times when I mess up or am faced with problems that I don’t want to deal with, my go-to excuse is my age or that I still attend school.. When I’m bombarded with questions about my future plans, or when I mess up and make a wrong decision I blame it on that. Actual adults probably have their life together, so they don’t have to blame anything on that, but hey I’m learning…
Half of the time, I find myself wishing I could hurry up, graduate and start my life and career, and the other times I’m arguing about how much of an adult I already am (or think I am) but I think it’s okay to admit: I’m still figuring it all out. For now, I will enjoy that I still am a worry-free young adult with limited responsibilities. My time will come for the full extended version of adulthood, and once that comes, there’s no turning back. But for now I think I’ll enjoy the Free Trial.