I would consider myself a geek of some sorts. I enjoy Doctor Who, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Sherlock, and many others. Naturally, I like to buy shirts or accessories to reflect my devotion to a fandom. Nobody is opposed to the fact that I wear batman T-shirts or carry a Tardis backpack; I've actually gotten many compliments on them. But when I mention that I bought them at Hot Topic, I often get a judgemental stare, response, or laugh.
It seems that people aren't bothered by the fact that I wear these clothes and accessories, but they are bothered by the fact that I purchased them at a store that is known for marketing towards emo teenagers. If I had said that I bought my nerdy gear on Amazon.com, nobody would bat an eye. Once I admit that it comes from Hot Topic, I'm an adult who's still stuck in her emotionally unstable teenager stage. Why should it matter where I got it? As long as I didn't steal from a child's hands, I think I'm fine. Shopping at Hot Topic immediately puts a label on people, which comes along with undeserving judgment. And I believe it's safe to assume that a majority of people who make fun of Hot Topic have never even stepped into a Hot Topic! They just see the "stereotypes" of Hot Topic and immediately form a biased opinion. It's like criticizing a movie that you've never actually seen. You may have seen the trailers, but that doesn't mean you've seen enough to have a validated opinion.
I agree that the store often does cater to younger teens who are often seen with skinny jeans, died hair, and piercings. But who cares? If you're judging me for shopping there, you're also judging everyone who shops there too. Just because a kid wears Panic! At The Disco shirts, doesn't mean they shouldn't be respected or that they have nothing to offer the world. For all we know, that kid could grow up to be a doctor, a politician, or a successful musician. Maybe that kid has a 4.0 GPA and is the valedictorian of their high school class and plays varsity basketball. There is more to these kids by what they wear.
Every person has value and potential and they shouldn't be seen as a less respectable person because of how they express themselves. Being a teenager is a tough and confusing time, and being in your 20s isn't much easier. Everyone is still trying to discover who they are, what their talents are, what they want to do with their life, and what they can offer the world. So maybe one of your self-expressing choices is to wear combat boots, a plaid skirt, and an anime tank top. That's your choice, and be proud of it.
So to wrap it all up, stop judging me and others for shopping at a store you don't like. It doesn't make me any less of a person, and if it bothers you, just look the other way.