Coloring, an activity which consumed most of our childhoods. We all did it and spent hours doing it. I remember getting coloring books and a new box of crayons for Christmas every year from my grandparents and sitting on their floor coloring for the rest of the night. But recently coloring has popped up again in my generation, adult coloring books.
I recently purchased one myself off the clearance shelf at Target and I have been addicted to coloring since then. My coloring book is a simple one its not a fancy brand or a swear words one. Even though, I am going to purchase one soon. I mean who doesn't want to color swear words when they're stressed.
People use coloring to relieve stress of every day life. Its true that it does. I have found myself coloring when I am and I feel relieved. So for all you stressed out college kids, like myself, when you need a break from going insane consider coloring.
Coloring pages and books are available online for printing or they're easy to purchase anywhere. Because coloring your angry and stress away is easier and cheaper than therapy.