As you transition from high school to college, you notice a lot of changes within yourself. This is mainly due to the fact that college is the time where adulting hits your in the face with a brick. Part of adulting is asking for actual things you need for Christmas, and actually getting excited when you open your gifts and they're there! Here is a list of ten things you may ask for Christmas that will definitely confirm you are in this stage of life.
1. A vacuum.
Let's face it, part of being in college is simply being broke all the time. There comes a point where you realize you need something, but you just do not want to spend your own money on it. Another part of being in college is learning how to be an adult which includes getting excited when you receive something you actually need, like a vacuum.
2. Socks
Honestly, socks are one of the best things to get for Christmas. There's a huge variety of socks out there where you can ask for socks for any occasion: work, everyday wear, funny wear, and so on. Or you can ask for socks that will help you make Steve, laugh next time you see him.
3. Work clothes/pants
Part of college life is having an big-boy internship or job where you have to dress like an actual adult. However, spending that kind of money on clothes is not in your budget. Best to ask for them for Christmas!
4. Coffee mugs/To-go cups
Caffeine is the name of the game in the college world. Having a nice coffee mug helps make the world go round when you're stuck staying up til 4 am finishing a paper.
5. Gift cards
Sometimes you want to treat yourself, but not with your own money. Asking for gift cards to your favorite stores is one of those ways to get around this. You know you've reached the ultimate adult level when you ask for gas gift cards.
6. That book you need for your job
Whether it be all the DSM's, APA style guide, a historical reference book for your Bible reading, and so on, there is always one book that every college kid knows they need. However, buying it may be a bit intimidating due to the possible reality of the real world setting or simply the cost of the book. Getting your parents to get it for you may be just what you need so you can save a few bucks and they can help support you through your journey.
7. Crockpot/Cooking utensils
One of the harsh realities of college life is constantly being on the go. Having a crockpot around to simply do the cooking for you all day is a legitimate dream. Just remember to unplug it, so we do not end up with another Jack Pearson situation.
8. New bedding
After a while, bedding gets old, torn, and simply gross. The most adult satisfaction, is getting into a bed with fresh, new, clean sheets - so why no put them on your wish list? Who knows, maybe grandma will buy you the fancy kind.
9. Cleaning supplies
Living in a dorm or an apartment with roommates, things get messy real quick. By this time of year, cleaning supplies may be running low, why waste your money on them when you can ask for them!
10. Not to be woken up before 8:00 a.m. Christmas morning
After a semester of hard work and sleep deprivation, the number one thing you want for Christmas is to catch up on your sleep debt!