What Clothes Are You Adorned In? | The Odyssey Online
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What Clothes Are You Adorned In?

What we choose to wear each day defines us more than we like to think.

What Clothes Are You Adorned In?
Kaitlin Hooper

Nurses wake up and put on scrubs. Police officers put on blue. College students put on chacos. Soldiers put on uniforms. We already know this. We know that depending on your occupation or place in life, you will wake up each morning and put on attire to identify you to the outside world. However, at the end of every day, people all across the world take off their clothes and become flesh again; mere humans. What defines us is what we do, wear, say, believe and ultimately the identity we cloth ourselves with each new coming hour.

Now let me take you back to why this matters. About a month ago, I began dressing in a style that I hate. I wore negativity like a fancy hat on my head and insisted that everyone around me try it on for looks. Most people probably did not notice but I will tell you one person who did, the man I see most often and daily. My sweet fiance saw me in that ugly hat each and every day as it seemed it was worn to more and more events as time passed. Then I acquired a sweet looking jacket made of anger. Oh yeah, I wore it proudly too. Everything made me feel like I needed that jacket on. Suns too hot, jacket. Class is boring, jacket. Chris didn't say exactly what I wanted, jacket. Get the point? I began to clothe myself in awful things. Negativity, bitterness, anger and unpleasantness were daily things I put on and though many may not have noticed, once again Christ knew and my sweet fiance did too. It affected us in ways I would have not dreamed. He began to not want to be around me, so I naturally put on the garment of clinging to his every word...which placed him at a higher authority in my life than we needed hence causing more problems.

It was not until a fairly rough morning of tears and some much needed time with the Lord that I was reminded how I did not have to wear bitterness, jealously, anger or insecurities every day. God has already picked my outfits out for each and every day and they consisted of an armor fit for a princess. The armor that allows me to speak truth and light to those I encounter. The armor that enables me to speak to my fiance's heart and to others as well. I had been given armor that would ultimately make my days pleasant and encouraging even when the world was not; yet I left it at home. Soon enough I had forgotten I owned it for it was a gift and I shoved it aside. How silly of a girl I was to forget to take the adorning grace of God with me each and every day along with the garments he designed for me.

If you are like I am and have found yourself walking around with an identity you don't like or others that you love don't like, let me remind you of some simple truths that changed my perspective.

Genesis 6 reminds us of the qualities that go along with armor that God gives. We have been entrusted to wear the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of readiness provided by the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit with is also known as the word of God. These things dear one will help you. Just think about it, truth comes from the Lord who is loving. Righteousness comes from a faithful way of living, as well as your shoes of readiness mean that you are always willing and prepared to share the news of the Creator and Savior and Spirit as it relates to a person's life. Have a shield of faith that defends you from the enemies lies as well as the reassurance of the salvation that can never be taken away. Lastly, this encourages and demands our attentiveness to the Word of God that way we might be able to write scriptures on our heart and avoid sinning. Romans 13 requests that we wear the armor of light and Galatians reminds that we are clothed with Christ himself. Other encouraging scriptures will be listed at the bottom of this if you desire to read them for yourself, but either way please note that you do not have to walk around in garments unfitting for a kindred spirit and daughter (or son) of Christ. You have at any moment the opportunity to take off those wretched things and adorn yourself in Christ alone, and...well since it's fall, cute sweaters too.

Ephesians 4:20-24

Ephesians 6

Galatians 3:26-27

Romans 13:11-14

Colossians 3:1-10

Phillipians 2:5-8

Hebrews 2:14, 17-18

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