I am not a motherly type of person in the stereotypical way we think of motherly people. I give tough love, probably too often, stern looks and sarcastic remarks to my friends, but I know I was meant to be a mom. I have so much love in my heart that it's absolutely ridiculous. Yes, I am often seen as a snappy, rambunctious, loud and whacky person, but I am also always thinking about how I can help other people.
For the past year, I have kept having the thoughts of rescuing pets, adopting children and even being a foster parent cross my mind literally all the time. I can understand the idea of adopting a pet being fresh on my brain because I love fur babies, but kids? Where on God's green Earth did that come from? I haven't really thought much about having kids other than knowing I eventually want a family, but this reoccurring and subconscious string of thoughts connected to adopting kids will not leave my mind.
I know that as time goes on, far more children will be put into foster and group homes. I know of the horror stories of children who are wards of the state or live in group homes, and while not all of the children have terrible experiences, I can't stand to know some kids are being abused or neglected, both emotionally and physically, by not having someone who truly loves them. I know I can't control how others act, especially those adults in charge of helping raise kids who don't have families. I know it's silly to get caught up thinking about all the little ones, and older ones, too, who need to be loved when I'm not even remotely ready to have a family of my own.
I know, I know, I know...
And since I know all of these things, I know I can change the lives of so many beautiful children one day.
I dream of the day where I am happily married, or single, I don't care, and am able to boast a house full of children from all different walks of life. I can't wait to teach them how to ride a bike. I can't wait to cheer them on while they play soccer. I can't wait to watch them win a spelling bee. I can't wait to let them have slumber parties in our living room and pop their popcorn so they can watch scary movies. I can't wait to drop them off at their first school dance. I can't wait to watch them in band competitions and baseball games. I can't wait for them to go to prom. I can't wait to watch them be as happy as every mother wants their children to be. I simply can't wait.
I know welcoming children into my home who have hard pasts will not be all sunshine and rainbows, either. I know I'll have to be a loving and forgiving mother, and I am up for the task. I know there will be nights where I will have to cradle a child while they scream because they want their mommy or are having a nightmare. I know there will be days where they'll be picked on at school and I'll have to tell them they're a rockstar, no matter what anyone else says. I know I'll have to go to court dates and go through other legal issues by their side. I know there will be times where they could ask me "why didn't my mommy love me?" and I'll have to hold them tight and say "Even though I didn't know you then, I've loved you from the day you were born."
I will teach them to love one another, always. I will teach them to think for themselves and to use their words, not violence or anger, to settle disagreements. I will teach them to give 110% at all times. I will teach them to believe in themselves and know they always have a cheerleader at home. I will teach them to always come to me with any problems, even if they think they'll get in trouble or that I will be angry at them. I will teach them to have faith in the Lord above, but not to demean anyone who believes differently. I will teach them to be great people, and that's the most important thing they need to know.
My philosophy for wanting to adopt and foster children comes from the firm belief that no child deserves to live in poverty, sickness or abuse. No child deserves to be neglected or go unloved, and I will do everything I can to let as many beautiful kids know they are loved. I will do everything I can to let every child know they are smart, important, wonderful and fantastic.
I truly cannot wait to have my own babies, of course, but I am also excited to help other babies have a phenomenal life. I have so much love to give, and I pray I will still be so excited about adoption on the day I decide I am ready. I know I'm not a doting and lovey-dovey kind of person, but not being a stereotypical and "soft" mother won't make me a bad mom at all. We all have different ways of expressing love and care, and I aspire to be a good influence and eternal beacon of love and support for the little ones who will need it most.