Most people have a memory of entering a pet store for the first time. Looking around at the vast assortment of critters, be they hamsters, birds, fish, snakes, cats, dogs. It was incredibly exciting to know you'd be taking home a new friend, but alas you knew little of the consequences of taking on a pet, the responsibility. This, usually with the help of your parents, is relatively manageable, as you learn to care for another creature, however as you grow older things become complicated. More time needs to be devoted to studies, or your human friends, as you get older. This leads to a difficult time, where you may not be able to give your pets the time you used to. Or, you may desire a new pet friend, and realize that you have little, if any, time to give them.
Not exactly the subject of articles or funny videos, plants, or branched buddies are an excellent consideration. I know, plants do not offer the same emotional and physical gratification that, say, an excited dog or cat gives when they run to you and express their admiration. However, plants have their own way of improving your life. For one thing, let's talk about the aesthetic quality plants can give you every room in your house. A nice peace lily in your room, perhaps a bright purple orchid positioned at the side of a desk. Perhaps a tin planter filled with tiny varieties of succulents. You can find many ways to accentuate your tastes in your room, but I'm no interior designer, so let's get back why a plant can stand in for a pet.
Part of the reason why many people buy or adopt animals is to have something to take care of, and tend to as you watch it grow. When you adopt a puppy and watch it grow into an adult, you feel awe at your baby turning into a grown animal. With plants, you can have this same experience. Watching a seed you planted 4 months ago turn into a sprawling vine, budding flowers waiting for the day to bloom, makes you feel pride and excitement.
Watching a small plant you transplant to a bigger pot grow bigger and bigger, sprouting more flowers and leaves, is incredibly rewarding. There are also benefits in the amount of space you have, as you can create your own little forest with a couple of small pots and some of your favorite plants. Have a backyard? Start a garden, create not only your own little green paradise but create a small habitat for smaller, backyard organisms.
This short piece is not meant to convince you that plants rule. They certainly do, but that will be something the reader will have to find out for themselves. Plants don't express their affection for you, or lick your face, or talk, or really give you any outward expression of anything in the way animals do. Regardless, they can stand in if you feel the urge to care for something, or would just like some more life in your house, or room.