If you are adopted, you know that it can be tough to piece your own story together. When you mix your friends into that equation, its likely that they don't really understand that part of your life. Sometimes, they can be ignorant and ask questions that you just want to roll your eyes at. Here are nine things that you've most likely heard from some people....
1. Why don't you look like your parents?
I don't know.... maybe because they didn't make me? Please ask a more obvious question.
2. Do you know who your "real" parents are?
Nope, I don't. Thanks for asking though. I love that you're in my business like that.
3. If not, do you want to find them?
I'm not sure, but when I figure that life decision out you'll be the first to know.
4. Are your siblings actually your siblings?
no comment.
5. Why, when, where, and how were you put up for adoption?
That's kind of a personal question................... Don't you think?
6. Do you ever think of how your life would have been if you weren't adopted?
Again, with the personal questions.
7. So what nationality are you?
8. Do you plan on adopting your own children?
yes... no.... maybe?
9. So you're adopted........ What happened?
All in all, you can make as many adoption jokes as you want. But remember, our parents chose us. Your parents are stuck with you.