There comes a point in life where you must do one of the things that makes you nervous the most. You have to do it because if you don't then you will only think about doing it, which is just going to tear your nerves up. You are fearful of completing this task because you do not know what is going to happen after you have done it.
If you're reading this, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Telling your crush that you have a crush on them.
I am a Capricorn. Some of you may not be into zodiac signs, but for the people who are into them, you know that Capricorns are very executed people. Capricorns think everything through, but think it through a little too much because we begin to think worse-case-scenario.
I have tried to tell my crush that I have a crush on him, but like I said I'm a Capricorn, everyone. This is not an easy thing to do. I took an L with telling my crush because he didn't quite get my hints. In the end, I did figure out a better way to tell him so hopefully, you all will have a better shot with telling your crushes than I did.
Here are some tips on how to tell them:
1. Do not give hints.
Ladies, this is geared more to us because this is how we communicate with men. I know, I suck for breaking girl code, but it's going to help us in the end. We cannot keep giving hints to men because they do not understand them. Just tell the man that you have a crush on him. It's easy to give him hints, but he will not comprehend that. Just be straight-forward and whatever the outcome is will just be the outcome.
2. Like Nike, just do it.
The more you contemplate on telling your crush, the more you aren't going to just do it. The most that can happen is that your crush will not have the same feelings back, which is pretty sad, but at least you had the courage to tell them. Don't ever be afraid to be courageous.
3. Face to Face.
It seems scary to tell someone that you have a crush on them to their face, but it's better than sending a risky text message and being left on "read" or not receiving a reply. I promise the worse anyone can say is that the feeling isn't mutual and you will just have to take that and move forward. Rejection is not the end of the world, it is just a reminder that something may not be for you that time.
Crushing on someone is fun. You get butterflies. You smile a lot. You love to look at them. You get this weird, gushy feeling about them, which is normal and great. If someone can make you get like this, you must really like them. You don't get butterflies just for anyone.
Try these three steps and see how it works out for you. I've had a good experience with these steps and hopefully, you will too.