Depression is a disease that plagues human kind as of late. Quite a few people never realize that depression has been around since the dawn of time. It's not something that has showed up out of no where in the last couple decades.
I offer a look at how using the natural processes of the mind, one can stop all (except an actual chemical imbalance) forms of depression.
Depression is defined as such: sadness;gloom;dejection.
As part of natural life, everyone will be depressed at some point in their lives. It is just the natural way our minds work. But using the natural energy and processes that the human mind has can help counter the effects of depression.
I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, like 99% of the human population. Every human has some form of this affliction. But using your natural ADOS — "Attention Deficit Ooooo, shiny," as my family calls it — will help you counter the negative effects of depression. The example I always use is this:
"It's hard to be depressed when you laugh at the fact that that tree looks like Abraham Lincoln."
Now, of course your inner detracted child cannot stop the worries of the day all the time. But embrace your inner easily amused child and let them play from time to time. Your brain will thank you.
This is the reason I believe that adult coloring books are becoming more and more popular. Something about embracing something you did as a child as an adult is a great stress reliever. And it also means I can't use "Go to your room and color!" as an example of immaturity.
But back to my actual subject... My ADHD at work.
ADHD, especially the "hyperactive" part, manifests differently in everyone. Sometimes it means the person has to fidget with small items or that they are always on them move, doing something. But isn't that the complete opposite of depression? Getting up off your butt and doing something is the easiest way of countering depression. If your activity is adult coloring books or harassing the kids or even simply walking around Walmart looking at the things you cannot afford. You are still doing something. Sing to the radio, even if you're bad at it. Use that natural hyperactivity to your advantage and run with it.
Remember that depression has been around from the dawn of time and the peoples of old didn't have medication to help them. If you have a bad day, It's a bad day, simple as that. You have so many more days that you can choose to make better by doing something. Embrace that inner child, in moderation of course, and have some fun.
The human mind can overcome anything and is the greatest tool that has ever been created. Use it.