Having ADHD makes everyday tasks nearly impossible. From basic things like doing laundry to important things like writing a nine-page paper. This ish ain't easy. That's why we take medicine.
If you have a chemical imbalance, you take medicine. There is nothing to even debate. Just like how if you are sick you take medicine to heal your body.
People with diabetes have to ingest insulin in different ways because the body does not produce what it needs in order to function.
Just like how people with ADHD, ADD, depression, anxiety, and so many other mental health disorders take medication in order to be able to maintain everyday life.
But do people ever stop and beg diabetics for their insulin if they are not diabetic? No. So why are people who do not have ADD or ADHD beg those who are prescribed Adderall or Vyvanse or other medications?!
I understand that those who decide to take it nonprescribed could also have an undiagnosed disorder. But if you are willing to go out of your way to ask someone who does have it, then you owe it to yourself enough to go to a doctor and actually get diagnosed.
So even if we get past those that are undiagnosed asking for it, we are still approached and harassed by those who seem to think they have the right to call us lazy or unwilled for taking medication.
SEE ALSO: "My Chemical Imbalance Is Just That, So Quit Shaming Me For Taking Medication"
When you have ADHD/ADD, you are in a constant battle with yourself and your mind to maintain an attention span. Everyday tasks that those undiagnosed can accomplish without medication, are next to impossible for those that suffer. We have to build our entire lives around a substance that allows us to maintain efficiency.
It's so difficult being in college and having to work my study and class schedule around when my medication when will be active. Because I know that if I take my medication too early before my classes, then sometimes even before I can get out of my classes my medication has worn off.
So the next time you hear or see someone that has ADD/ADHD don't for one second think that you are allowed to shame them or ask them for their medication. Unless you truly understand what it is like to live with it, your voice should not be involved.