Although the millennial front runner paid the $2,500 registration fee, Sanders was left off of the original primary ballot in Washington D.C., only adding to the suspicions of the 2016 election. The absence of mainstream news coverage of Sanders is haunting. Why is the media ignoring him, regardless of the engine he's been rolling with the millennial population?
Hillary Clinton is a millionaire — she made over $3 million in 2013 from negotiating with Wall street: big firms like Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, UBS and, Sanders' favorite, Goldman Sachs.
Surely Clinton has other endorsements. However, according to, "Wall Street banks and investment houses made up a third of [Clinton's] speech income."
And Clinton is all over mainstream media. If you visit the websites of CNN, MSNBC and even Fox News, the only time Sanders appears is if attached to Clinton, or compared to Trump. I attended a Sanders rally in Herald Square in February, and was stunned when I realized the only media coverage present was for school papers, or done by freelancers.
In their pro-Sander's campaign video, actor Mark Ruffalo and director Matthew Cook summarize a few of Sanders' goals -- something the mainstream media has failed to do.
As stated in the video above, less than 20 percent of the country trusts our government to do what's right, 11 percent of likely voters think Congress is doing a good job—and about 50 percent of the country will not even go to the polls.
I'm not going to go on an anti-American tirade, because I really do love America (and you can rest assured that no one is paying me to say that). However, it amazes me that, although the American people, in theory, are currently anti-establishment, the media is not covering the political candidate who embodies the very definition of it.
The worst part is the American people themselves aren't even to blame.
Agenda-Setting theory, often referenced in the communications world, is the idea that the more that people (the public) hear something, the more they'll believe it. How many times have you heard "Make America great again" or "Build a wall" in the mainstream media this week alone?
And while Trump is being molded into "the bad guy" (or for some the one who's going to come along and change our country for the better), and Clinton is being molded as the wise, gracious wife of Bill Clinton, Sanders is left completely out of the conversation.
They want you to think about Clinton and Trump. They know that if they win the presidential nominations that Clinton will win. The people to whom "they" refers is negligible, however it is essential that you realize the significance of their power.
Between the incident in D.C. and the lack of media coverage of the Sanders campaign, there seems to be something coming. There's an agenda in our political system right now, whether you like it or not, and the system will not stop until it gets what it wants—even if that differs from the wishes of the American people.