We all have someone like Leslie Knope in our lives, and some of us may even be the Leslie Knope in other people's lives. The reason I find NBC's "Parks and Recreation" so intriguing is that there is a personality type that is relatable to everyone who watches it. A person could be cynical, sarcastic yet secretly caring like April, a goofy and loving person like Andy, a loving, caring, good friend like Ann, a super clumsy, gets the blame for everything type like Jerry/Garry/Larry/Terry, an outdoorsy, rough, private yet secretly and possibly against your will softy like Ron, an overly optimistic health nut like Chris Trager, and lastly, you could be a sweet, caring, loving devoted nerd like Ben. No matter who you are, there's one thing I found out while watching this series. We all need a little Leslie Knope in our lives, and here's why.
1. Leslie is overwhelmingly positive.
Life is tough and let's face it, although it can be super annoying to have someone so positive around, you're lucky to have someone there to make you laugh and turn a bad day around.
2. Leslie's the best gift-giver.
I know it's kind of shallow, but everyone loves a friend who knows them so well that they know exactly what you want. The hard part is figuring out what to get them back
3. Leslie knows that there aren't any problems that can't be solved with one thing. Waffles!
4. Leslie knows what's important.
5. Leslie knows how to compliment you.
6. Leslie Knope believes in herself.
Friends who believe in themselves can help you believe in yourself!
7. Leslie is a hard-worker
8. Leslie supports her friends through the rough patches.
9. Leslie makes you believe in love.
Even though she's been through some pretty rough dates.
But she found Ben, and they had a tough road but proved that love prevailed over all.
If Leslie can find love after all of those terrible, terrible dates, why can't we?!
10. Leslie has the best friends.
Like all people, even Leslie Knope needs a backup team, people to do all the reinforcement, pep talking, and loving for all that she does for them.
We all need a Leslie Knope in our life because we all need a positive reinforcement. We all need a loving, caring friend, someone to pick us up when we're down, someone to believe in us, and most importantly, someone to be there for us. Most importantly, friends like Leslie Knope make us ready to face the world head-on.
And let's face it, we all love a group hug!