It's never easy hearing something said negatively about you. It can bring out the deepest insecurities of the most confident person. However, author Deepak Chopra, once said, "What other people think of you, is not your business. If you start to make that business your business, you will be offended for the rest of your life." I cannot reiterate this saying enough and shed light on how important is it. Stay confident in who you are and never try to change your personality for anyone.
Personally, as a young mother, I have seen and heard many judgments about the fact that some people decide to start a family at a young age. It is no ones place to judge me or the people who have children or get married at a young age because not everyone has the same goals in life. Deciding to have a child means sacrificing a selfish life for a selfless one- a life where you can share your memories and experiences with a part of you. I have so much more confidence now as a mother than I ever did before. Sure, my body might have changed, but my mind has changed as well, in the best way possible. I am wiser than I was before and I have a whole new set of goals in life, for myself and my daughter.
There is absolutely no time in my life for hating or being bitter about someone "looking better than me". Someone is always going to be better looking, smarter, funnier, etc. Accepting yourself and all of your flaws is what will set you free from your own judgements, as well as the judgements of others. In my life, having a child taught me that none of that is important. I have to set an example for her, and show her that confidence comes from within.
With that being said, I encourage anyone who is willing to listen to find their happiness or their passion in life, and run with it. There is a reason your heart is set on this particular thing that makes your happy or passionate and if you allow someone to take that away from you by their judgements, you will never truly be happy.
Eliminate the negativity, in order to live a positive, carefree life.