Remember when we were children? Nothing could bring us down, at least not for long. Getting ice cream at the local stand was the best thing ever. We made friends in the blink of an eye. We didn’t care what people thought about us. Most importantly, though, we didn’t judge others for superficial reasons. Society imbedded that in us as we grew up. Now, it’s almost uncommon to find someone who isn’t judgmental.
Today, people judge one another for so many ridiculous reasons. It is fine to disagree with someone’s choices, but there is absolutely no reason to attack anyone because of their beliefs and personality. We live in such a diverse world, it shouldn’t be a shock to anyone’s system to see that someone chooses to live their life differently.
People cannot get jobs because they have tattoos. Seriously? Someone deciding to get a butterfly on their arm means they are incapable of working as a professional? The two are entirely unrelated. The employer would most likely respond to this by stating that their customers are the ones who may not feel comfortable with the tattoos. They place the blame on the customer instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. While this is ridiculous in and of itself, these customers are to blame. People are to blame. If people weren’t so ridiculously judgmental these scenarios would not occur. Employers would not be afraid of losing business for hiring a skilled worker who happens to have a few tattoos. It’s a shame that some cannot find work for such superficial reasons.
People are bullied and judged their whole lives for being homosexual. They hide out in fear, keeping their secret hidden, until the day they finally decide to take a stand and stop living that way. Sometimes this ends well; in other instances, though, they are rejected by their friends and families. Can you even imagine how devastating that must be? To hide your true self and live your entire life in fear of what other people think, only to have that fear confirmed? People would not be suffering in such pain if there was less hate and more love in this world. It’s so simple.
People starve themselves because they worry about what other people think. They worry that others will judge them if they do not wear a size zero. People kill themselves from starvation because of the hate in the world. Others make themselves vomit repeatedly in order to achieve this ‘look.’ Others will refrain from eating their favorite foods and will spend countless hours at the gym. All of this to achieve ‘the look.’ They fear that wearing a size 16 is unacceptable and worthy of hate. Is this not extreme?
When will we wake up and see that life is so precious? Life should not be spent worrying about others, trying to appease them for fear of their hatred. It’s hard to do, though. We, as humans, crave socialization; being accepted by others plays a huge part in that, and, since today’s world requires people to adhere to ‘social standards’ to as not to be offensive, everyone hurts. Everyone tiptoes around one another so as not to invoke hate. In doing this, we disguise our true selves. We are not living life to the fullest.
Everyone wants to be accepted; it’s just a plain fact. If we just loved one another, life would be so much easier for everyone. People wouldn’t be harboring hate and bitterness towards others and they wouldn’t be worrying about enjoying something ‘out of the norm.’ This fear would be erased if people weren’t so hateful.
So, where is the love?