Addressing Kaepernick's Controversy | The Odyssey Online
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Addressing Kaepernick's Controversy

This shouldn't even be an issue.

Addressing Kaepernick's Controversy

By now you've probably heard all about the colin Kaepernick not standing during the national anthem, as a form of protest because he believed he couldn't be proud of a nation that allows certain things that many would regard as "injustice".

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media.

A lot of people don't take kindly to what he's done and continues to do. Let me explain to you, why this shouldn't even be an issue.

"If you don't like it, then you should leave"

When people first hear about this, this is usually first thing they say. This is honestly just stupid. It is possible to love this country and recognize that it does have a lot of problems. Just because you have so much patriotism doesn't mean you should attack anyone who criticizes America. America has problems. You can't stay in your little bubble, forever, just because those problems don't affect you.

As an American, he has the right to sit or stand during the national anthem. It's funny how no one stands for the National Anthem when they are watching the games at home or at a bar of some sort, though.

"This country has given him everything he has"

Freedom of Speech is one of the cornerstones of this country's Constitution. You may not like what he has to say but he has the right to say with his own rods or actions. If you're such an American you wouldn't be offended about this. Only in dictatorships do citizens get silenced for unpopular views.

Wanting the U.S. to live up to it's ideals is not a bad thing. I understand that people may not agree with his method of protest - they have that right, just as he has the right to protest. Its actually less patriotic to suggest that we not point out the wrongs in the country.

"There are veterans who have fought for his freedom!"

Kaepernick has said he has great respect for people in the military. They fought for the country, and he is fighting for his. Sitting down during the national anthem does not mean he hates America. He just wants to acknowledge that people experience instances of injustice in America. The nation isn't perfect, get over it.

What crazy is that no one said a thing when Trump said "America is going to hell" or "Make America great again", which would imply that he has the very same thoughts as Kaepernick.

A bit ypocritical, much ?

Some of those very same veterans who fought this country actually agree with him. Check out various tweets of vets showing their support and agreement that there are problems in this country that should be fixed, but they still served because they love America.


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