6. "I Took A Pill In Ibiza" by Mike Posner | The Odyssey Online
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8 Songs You Need To Add To Your Summer '19 Essential Playlist

This wouldn't be a completed playlist without the ultimate song fit for karaoke on a road trip with your closest friends.

8 Songs You Need To Add To Your Summer '19 Essential Playlist

When the warm weather approaches us some songs seem more ubiquitous than others, and the only to celebrate these songs would be breaking out your speaker, getting your beach chair ready, and a few twisted teas, because how else do you celebrate summer? Here are my top summer anthems that make you feel nostalgic and forget about everyday troubles.

1. "Dani California" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

I first heard this song when I was 11 and have heard it blasting at Barbeques every summer since.

2. "Summertime" by Fresh Prince & DJ Jazzy Jeff

Fresh Prince gave us this summer classic that makes me want to sit on a beach somewhere in Miami with a spiked smoothie in my hand.

3. "Miami" by Will Smith

Speaking of the Fresh Prince and Miami, this song takes next place on the list. This was actually my summer anthem the summer I first turned 21. The '90s club vibes make this song more refreshing than the other choices on this list.

4. "No Scrubs" by TLC

This wouldn't be a completed playlist without the ultimate song fit for karaoke on a road trip with your closest friends.

5. "Island in the Sun" by Weezer

Honestly, this song was going to be my number one on the list due to the fact that it literally makes me want to move to Austria and join Aquamarine in her journey.

6. "I Took A Pill In Ibiza" by Mike Posner

This is one of the most refreshing songs on this playlist. It has more of a sad vibe than the rest but it's still enough to get the club going.

7. "Smooth" by Santana ft Rob Thomas

I often find myself listening to this when I'm at a bar that has cover bands playing that evening.

8. "Santeria" by Sublime

If you have never seen the vine of riff-raff singing this, then you won't understand why this is number one on this list.

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