It truly depends on the person when it comes to the process of organization. Some people enjoy cleaning up after every mess and that is often even a stress-reliever for them. Others may not enjoy the process as much and prefer to throw their items wherever and claim to put it away “later.” Frankly, “later” will probably be never.
Transitioning to becoming more organized might seem difficult because it actually requires some effort, but it will be paid off at the end when you realize how aesthetically pleasing your room, desk, or etc. is. It will definitely be Tumblr or Pinterest worthy before you know it.
Adapting an organized lifestyle provides an individual with so many benefits, but mainly, it keeps you productive. If you brought home piles of homework and continue to stack it on top of your already unorganized desk, you're most likely not going to feel like studying. Cleaning the areas that you see most often, indirectly has an impact on how productive you are going to be for the rest of the day.
Organization is not only associated with cleaning, but with balancing time as well. In the past, I never used to have the intention of noting down every important date in my calendar, but now that is just second instinct. Speaking from experience, not knowing when significant events were scheduled until a day or two before didn't really help with my time management.
Let's say, for instance, that you have a huge project due on Friday. You also forget to take notice of an interview that you have on the same day that you have to prepare for as well and don't remember until a couple days before. That really puts a nerve on things and can be a boatload of stress to deal with in such a short period of time. Putting important events/tasks in your calendar helps with your time management. You can incorporate small aspects of the project into your routine everyday so that all the loose ends tie up eventually.
Becoming organized also makes you so much happier. Think about it - you are balancing time wisely so you're less stressed and you're also so much more productive which allows you to be capable to check many items off the to-do list. This is probably the biggest advantage an organized lifestyle gave me because I'm all-around a much happier, relaxed person. I know when the deadlines are coming up so I can prioritize around my schedule properly so I can spend time with friends on the weekends or even the weekdays when I have finished my work.
You will reach your maximum happiness, most balanced schedule, and stress-free life by following an organized lifestyle. Change is not easy, but when you think about the benefits it offers, it makes you a little more motivated. So go ahead, start off small and eventually work your way into this lifestyle.