Amy Adams Nominations | The Odyssey Online
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Amy Adams Has Been Nominated and Snubbed For Just As Many Awards As Leonardo DiCaprio and Nobody's Talking About It

When will she gain the recognition that she deserves?

Amy Adams Has Been Nominated and Snubbed For Just As Many Awards As Leonardo DiCaprio and Nobody's Talking About It

Last week on January 7th, the Golden Globes aired on NBC and millions upon millions of viewers were able to see those nominated for recognition of excellence in film and television by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. And with the Golden Globes happening, that means in just about a month the Oscars will air as well.

Although I am pleased and beyond thrilled for every individual who won--because let's be honest here--they all deserved it--I think it is worth mentioning that Amy Adams was once again nominated for an award, but did not win. And when I started to think about the incredible work she did with "Sharp Objects" and how she is nominated for Best Actress for "Vice" in the upcoming Academy Awards, I wondered if she would be overlooked for that as well.

This then got me thinking about how many times Adams was nominated for an Oscar and didn't win.

And wow, it's the same as our good buddy Leonardo Dicaprio. DiCaprio was nominated five times in twenty-two years (his first nomination in 1994 for "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and his last nomination and award being in 2016 for "The Revenant") and Amy Adams has now been nominated five times in the past thirteen years (her first nomination being in 2005 for "Junebug" and her current nomination for 2018's "Vice").

And unless you didn't have access to any social media in the past five years, you may be aware that there has always been outrage when DiCaprio did not receive an award for his work. It even went so far to be turned into an internet meme that pretty much demanded that he be recognized in the future.

To be fair, DiCaprio and Adams have both won Golden Globe awards, but when it comes to the Oscars, Adams has been nominated five times and has not won. DiCaprio has been nominated for five as well and only won once following years of online circulation about the topic.

So when I look at all the prestigious awards that Adams has been nominated for and her considerable lack of recognition for it, I I begin to wonder why people aren't reacting in a similar fashion. And if people are complaining about it, then why am I not hearing about it all the time like I did with DiCaprio?

And I'm sure people will be quick to say "Well it's about TALENT and Amy Adams has never compelled me to go to the box office, so how could she be robbed of anything?" and to these people I say, you are entirely missing the point.

I think Will Ferrell is an incredibly talented actor and he always compels me to go to the box office, but is he going to receive an Oscar for "Holmes and Watson"? Probably not. It's not about whether you find her talented or not, because to be honest, we all know she is. The fact that she was nominated proves that she is a beyond skilled actress. Talent means different things to different people, but if you're in the film industry, it means that you have it. I'm not saying that Adams is any more talented than anybody else. I'm saying that people don't care about her awards snubs as much as they did about DiCaprio and I'm curious as to why that is.

And whether you think DiCaprio had more iconic characters than Adams did just means that you need to take a closer look at the roles that she has portrayed (and also means that you probably didn't see "American Hustle").

And yes, DiCaprio has been acting for a longer time than Adams has, but I think we should all be aware by now that quantity does not equal quality. She has received just as many, if not more, nominations than he has in a shorter period of time and just because DiCaprio has been in the field for a longer period of time does not entitle him to an Academy Award.

There was a whole movement for DiCaprio to win an Oscar because of the five nominations that he received and I am curious as to why Adams has not received the same passion. I truly do believe that Adams deserves more love and respect for her roles because she is an extremely talented actress and every role that she is in has broken boundaries. Let's hope we see her win her first Academy Award on February 24th on ABC!

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