The Acura Car Games
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The Acura Car Games

Free food, live music, games and Monday ever.

The Acura Car Games
Grant Jacoby

In a University of Pittsburgh research study conducted this September, three out of four millennials self-reported that they would be in the market to purchase a new or used car within the next five years. The problem? This same sample of approximately 900 respondents, also reported relatively low knowledge and interest in cars. While young adults categorize performance vehicles such as the Acura ILX using positive terms such as sleek and fast, millennials choose to use services such as Lyft and Uber for transportation.

So how does a car manufacturer inspire these future car buyers about cars? More importantly, can any brand make them care and want to learn more? That is the challenge – sparking the interest of these millennials who traditionally stump marketing professionals.

To meet this challenge, Pros in Motion, Pitt’s student marketing agency, developed an innovative campaign theme and an opportunity for students to interact with the ILX called the “Acura Car Games” event. On Monday, Nov. 7, 2016 from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. the Pros in Motion team will host the ‘Aim Higher’ event at the William Pitt Union driveway at the University of Pittsburgh. The event centers around three key ideas: the car, community and charity.

Attendees will cover a "junk car" in post-it-notes, on which they will write their dreams and aspirations. Adjacent to the "junk car" will be the sleek and stylish Acura ILX, encouraging students to "aim higher" and strive for more. Students have collected canned food donations and plan to fill the trunk of the car. All of the food will then be donated to the Food Pantry in Pittsburgh – just in time for Thanksgiving. The community ties are also present through Pittsburgh’s local businesses. Companies have agreed to donate snacks for participants that attend the “Acura Car Games” event to support the students.

In typical University of Pittsburgh fashion, the school shows Panther Pride and fun by incorporating the Pitt mascot, Roc, and cheerleaders, Pitt celebrity Jesse Irwin from Pitt Tonight, lawn games and a GoPro giveaway contest.

The event is part of the larger, marketing campaign the Pros in Motion students are working on called "Aim Higher." The message reinforces with millennials that they are high striving, ambitious, and always searching for the next big thing to create and to conquer. Aiming Higher is about dreaming bigger and getting better, setting goals and surpassing them, and never settling for less. The campaign will motivate millennials to move forward in their lives. “Aim Higher” will build our future car buyers’ perception of Acura as a performance brand that surpasses the expectations of their next vehicle purchase.

The addition of this practicum experience provides a striking point of difference on Pitt Business student resumes. Unlike classes that emphasize theory and concept, the “Acura ILX Marketing Challenge 2016” provides hands-on experienced based learning with a world-class. Upon completion of the campaign, the top three teams among the 20 total teams nationwide will present to Acura C-Suite executives in Torrance, CA, with the winning team earning $5,000 for their university.

Every semester, the class works for a different client as facilitated through EdVenture Partners. The class has a track record of working with internationally recognized brands in need of understanding this young adult population. Past clients have included Fox Sports, National Football League (NFL), American Eagle, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the United Way. The University of Pittsburgh team has placed in the top three in national competitions 11 times. The fall 2016 team hopes to continue the University of Pittsburgh’s winning tradition. In addition to yet another winning title for the University of Pittsburgh, the students may find job offers in the mix of prizes.

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