I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of politics. On one hand, I'm ready for the election to be over, but on the other hand, I'm not ready for either candidate to take office. I’m not a super political person, so it’s a bit strange for me to write about this. However, when I weigh the big issue that is important to me and that everyone needs to at least consider, it’s pretty clear who shouldn’t be in office.
On that note, here is just some evidence as to why Trump would be a bigger environmental disaster than hurricane Sandy or Matthew.
Ah, so…what’s the word...incorrect. I don’t know what parallel universe you are living in, Mr. Trump, but we’ve got recordhigh temperatures on record. Let me just fix that typo for you: Record high temps. Nice word-play, though!
My friend here must have missed the class on weather versus climate in fifth grade science. Big difference. Weather is temporary, and climate is permanent – hence the urgency of that so-called little nuisance climate change.
Sigh. OK, we got the point. It is cold, therefore climate change can't be real, and 97 percent of the global scientific community is wrong.
Hmm…I’m really trying to follow the logic behind these arguments, but I’m just not getting it. OK, moving along.
Me too! I am tired of hearing this nonsense as well. Clean, beautiful and healthy air sounds great, but he is totally missing the point. Can someone please explain to Mr. Trump the very basics of the environmental issues our planet faces today? We will work our way up to climate change.
Ah, yes. Well this one has been popular lately since Hillary called him out on it. His reply: “I did not. I do not say that.” Sure... Can I get a witness? He later claimed the tweet was a joke. Alright, then. My bad! Joke’s on me!
Well, his tweets say it all, don’t they? I mean, do I really need to elaborate? I’m not saying Clinton is exactly a climate warrior (at least she acknowledges that climate change is a real problem), just that it’s obvious who’s going to be less of a harm to the planet.That’s what this election is all about, right? The lesser of two evils.