If you regularly follow me on Odyssey (or in real life), you know that I am an education major and a camp counselor. But here's something I didn't tell you: I am actually a big five year-old. And here is some definitive proof:
1. I am short.
While height isn't definitive proof of age, a lot of people think it is. A solid 5'1" baby.
2. I talk a lot.
Like not in the normal "Oh she's chatty" sense. In the "She NEVER shuts up" sense. Like, if she's not asleep, she's talking. And that's just how it's gonna be.
3. I point out the obvious.
If there’s a flower, you’re going to know about it. Cool cloud? Will be verbalized. Leg itches? I must announce it.
4. I can’t eat popsicles right.
They drip on my shirt and melt down my arms and make my face sticky. This picture may look cool, but there is melted popsicle dripping all down the hood of my car.
5. Touch ALL of the things!
You know all of those “Don’t Touch!” signs? I know most of them are there to keep you safe, but there’s something inside of me that wants to touch whatever it is more. There are so many cool textures in this world and I want to touch all of them.
6. Chairs are irrelevant.
There are so many other things in this world that can be sat and stood on. So why pick an ACTUAL chair?
7. I always have to pee.
Last week, I had two campers cry because they had to pee so bad. And honestly, I related to that so much.
8. I wander.
If you don’t watch me while we’re out somewhere, I will wander off.
9. I have childlike wonder.
The world is still fresh, new and shiny and there’s still so much to see and explore. Why let the adult world get me down when I still have joy?